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January 2000

Audiences: There is no accounting for taste

By Janet Chan

Time to evaluate
Promoting original music - No single policy wins

The music industry in Hong Kong if often regarded as market-oriented. Some people point out that the popularity of cove versions is due to the indifferent attitude of local audiences.

Mr. Dominic Kwok, a Year 2 student of the City University of Hong Kong, who is also a member of a band, said that CR2 should promote good music. However, to him, good music does not mean only original mode.

Said he: “I don’t care about the originality of songs. I only care about the quality of the songs.

“Cover versions are sometimes better that the local original ones, and it is good to have cover versions to make a comparison with local ones.”

Dominic said the policy might lead to an increase in production of local original music, but it would be meaningless if the composers were just forced to do so.

Raymond Wong, webmaster of a homepage called “Original Music Market”, shared Dominic’s view.

“I am not aware of the names of the composers when I listen to a song,” said he.

Raymond said original pop songs and cover versions could be good music.

“I believe the melodies are turned into cover versions because the music is of high quality,” he said.

Although Raymond supported the goal of CR2 to promote local original songs, he did not appreciate the method it used.

Said he: “People can expose themselves to foreign music through listening to cover versions.

“The policy blocked a channel for people to learn about foreign music.”

Some audiences, however, do care about the originality of the songs.

Fong Kin-fai, 17, who formed a band with friends a year ago, said he did not like cover versions.

“I don’t listen to cover versions, as only original music is creative,” he said.






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While some say originality of songs is most important, many say they do not really care whether music is original or not. (Tom Ho)

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