Temporary housing
They live in their own way

Photos and text by Sam Yung

After last month's fiasco, Governor Chris Patten is not likely to make a return trip to the temporary housing areas in the near future. He was the target o fangry demonstrants while visiting there in October.

In the Governor's maiden policy address 1992, he said all people living in temporary housing areas would be moved to public housing bt 1997. However, the latest housing policy announcement made clear that this would not happen, and thus broke this promise.

Residents now accuse him of going back on his word to move them out of the grim slums.

Meanwhile, residents are still living in their old ways in the temporary housing areas.

Left: Asked if they
would prefer to
move into a better
equipped highrise,
Mrs. Chan and
Miss Lo respond, "No!"

Right: Playing majong with neighbours outside is one of the few leisure activities.

Left: It may be hot outside, but it is even hotter inside. These girls prefer to do their homework outdoors.

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