Answer Man

If you had a chance to talk to a historical figure, whom would you like to chat with?

Sandy Yu

Year 3

I would use this opportunity to ask
Jesus about the parts I do not under-
stand in Bible.

Candy Tong

Year 3
Applied Biology

Dr. Sun Yat-sen. He is the father of
China. I would ask him the reason of
planning the famous 1911 revolution.

Patrick Lam

Year 2
Computer Engineering

Mao Zedong. I would chat with him on
the political status nowadays in China
and his view on Hong Kong's future

Julius Wong

Year 1

Emperor Chin. I am interested in his
state of mind and his value of life, as
he did so many cruel things.

Lo Kwok Cheung

Year 1

Lee Kwan Yew. He is a political leader,
as he changed Singapore from a small
city to a properous one.

Brian Luk

Year 1
Computer Engineering

Zhu Ge Liang was very clever and
smart. I would ask him to teach me to
become a person like him

March 1996