
November 1998

From the editor

Looking Forward and Backward

     Varsity always undergoes a lot of changes at the beginning of the school term. This year, like every year, we have new editors and reporters as students move from year one to year two. But in addition, we also have a new publisher, Dr. Robert Stone. But the changes are not limited to personnel. As ever, we are going to try to evolve a new sophistication as we learn the skills of writers and editors.

     As incoming editor-in-chief for this academic year, I look both forward and backward. Forward, to the challenges that lie ahead as our new team takes up the challenges of journalism. But I would also like to take this opportunity to look backward. I would like to express our gratitude towards our magazine's founder and former publisher, Dr. Bryce McIntyre, for his guidance and efforts on Varsity throughout the past years. Without his great efforts, it would be extremely difficult for students to take up these tasks each September. For it is he who has created Varsity which has now given several generations of students the opportunities to hone their skills in journalism.

     It has been a great honour for me to be chosen by my classmates as editor-in-chief. But it is clear to me that this project is first and foremost a team effort. I look forward with enthusiasm to the challenges that we face and trust that we will break new ground together.

     The stories in this first issue of the current school year are the incoming reporters' and editors' first assignments. It is not an easy task for the freshmen reporters to complete their stories within the tight deadline I have imposed. The editors too were under great deadline pressure. Both teams rose to the challenges and their efforts in this issue indicate that we can anticipate only improvement with each new issue.
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Clara Loon



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