Ann Lui, HKU
Law, Year 1
Princess Diana, because she died during her most beautiful time.
Thomas Cheng, BU
Associate Degree, Year 1
My girlfriend. I love her. She is lovely.
Catherine Kwok, UST
Accounting, Year 1
Nicole Kidman. She is brave in facing her broken marriage.
Mike Shoemaker, CUHK
Architecture, Year 2
Julia Roberts. I like her smile and personality. She seems kind.

Doris Wong, Lingnan
Social Science, Year 1
Eve. She was made by God. She represents the perfect woman.
Frances Tong, City U
Associate Degree, BBA, Year 1
Andrey Hepburn. She was the symbol of beauty of the ’60s.

Who is the most beautiful
woman in the world?
Photos by Hennis Tong, Christi Lee, Sha Jiayi, Riki Ueda, Gillian Cheng, Roe Chan

Reported by Christine Yu, Noel Tang, Christy Chan, Sally Yip, Crystal Yip, Leonie Wong