Kimmy Chan CityU
Information systems Year 3
Information technology, because it is the current trend and a useful subject.
Choi Chi Man CityU
Construction Year 1
Transport logistics, because it is a newly rising trend and lots of professionals are required.
Chow Kin CUHK
CSC Year 2
Computer science, because information technology has been highly developed in society.
Cheung Ka Kin PolyU
Civil engineering Year 2
Logistics, because it is now widely promoted and encouraged by the government.

Nick Kwan HKUST
Computer engineering Year 2
Accounting, because job advertisements of such posts appear frequently in newspapers.

Leung Hon Man PolyU
Civil engineering Year 2
Civil engineering, because it is related to our everyday life and practical.

Which field offers the best prospect for employment on graduation?



Photos by Keith Yee, Carol Wong, Maggie Lin, J. Chun, Jerry Guo
Reported by Cindy Lam, Sophia Yip, Candy Tong, Alice Leung, Angy Tse