Culture and Leisure

Asked about how he found the Fotanian art community, Pak said: "It is valuable because it emerges spontaneously and the artists are mutually supportive." There is also a sense of belonging, he said.

Comparing the Fotanian open studios to other art events, the artists in the industrial area said their functions were unique.This year・s event was the fourth organised since 2003.
Different from the Hong Kong Art Walk, an annual art charity event collaborated by art groups and commercial galleries in different districts on the Hong Kong island, the Fotanian open studios aim at bringing friends in the art circle together and promoting art to the public, rather than raising funds or making money.

On the future development of the art community in Fo Tan, some people expect it to become a fully-fledged industrial artistic hub like that of 798 Space in Beijing, although others say the chance is low.
798 Space, located in the Dashanzi area in Beijing, is built on the original state-owned electronics factory site. It has hosted commercial fashion shows like that of NIKE and Dior, as well as parties and cocktail dinners. It is widely seen as an avant-garde and trendy space that hosts high-level cultural, artistic and commercial activities.

"(The development of Fo Tan) won・t be that fast. Artists here are scattered all over the place, but those in 798 are geographically focused," said Chow, the Fotanian organiser.
Unlike the year-round operation of 798 Space, Fotanian open studios only lasted for two consecutive weekends in each event because continual exhibitions would affect the artists・ daily work routine in the studios, as well as their full-time jobs.

Chow, who teaches art at an education centre, said some Fotanian artists were secondary school art teachers and designers. And they support the organisation of the open studio events mainly with their incomes.
Other financial sources include donations from individuals, art groups like the Fringe Club and commercial organizations like Sino Group, which sponsored the promotion of the event this year.

The open studio organisers said they would not apply for government subsidy for fear of losing their creative independence.
"It・s a matter of freedom. We don・t want to be responsible to the government after accepting subsidy from them,; Chow said, referring to the potential supervision of their accounts and creative activities by the government. The Fotanian artists also do not see such a need because they can afford to pay for the operation of the events.

Although :Fotanian: Open Studio 2007; closed already, the artists have no immediate plans for their next collaboration. They said they would not bind themselves to organise an event regularly because they needed to keep their own creative freedom and space.

:We will do it when we want to,; Chow said.

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From top: Zheng Duanxiang talks about the reasons he chose to take the photos at night; sculptures and drawings are the main attractions at studio Mountain Loft; in a corner of the maze-like space, Para/Site Art Space displays two mirrors printed with instructions about how to communicate with spirits.