
Frustrated Tai Pan mulls ending legislator role

With the assistance of Mr Cheng, she tried to seek an injunction to block the listing, saying the move would violate the Housing Ordinance, which requires the government to provide housing and other amenities to the public.

The government then decided to suspend the listing of Link REIT in 2005, provoking a tide of criticism against Mr Cheng. The lawmaker was accused of neglecting the investorsˇ¦ interests and Hong Kongˇ¦s reputation as a financial centre.

But Mr Cheng remains adamant. ˇ§You never know, maybe another Link REIT (controversy) is coming, I will do the same thing. I have no regret for that.
ˇ§I made a lot of effort and put a lot of pressure on it (the government)...I am still committed to the underprivileged,ˇ¨ said Mr Cheng, who was the chief executive officer and director of a printing company before becoming a radio host, and that was how he earned his nickname ˇ§Tai Panˇ¨, meaning the boss of a big company.

But he said being a legislator was like having his ˇ§hands tiedˇ¨ and there was little he could achieve. ˇ§People have expectation on me because Iˇ¦m very vocal. But being one of the 60 Legislative Councillors, you are bound to be low-profile...Thatˇ¦s exactly what happened,ˇ¨ the commentator-turned-lawmaker said.

Mr Cheng regards the split voting system as a barrier to accomplishments in Legco. A report released by the Catholic Monitors on Legislative Councillors last year shows that 52 out of 148 motions debated in Legco in the legislative year of 2005-2006 could not be passed because of the voting system.

Under the system, legislators from the geographical constituencies and those from the functional constituencies vote simultaneously in the meeting. But a motion can only be passed when it is supported by at least half of the lawmakers from each of the two groups. That means a motion may not be passed even if it has gained the support from over half of the legislatureˇ¦s membership.

Independence as hindrance

Mr Cheng also sees his independent status a hindrance to accomplishments. He considers a Legco member has to join a political party in order to ˇ§do somethingˇ¨. ˇ§Independence doesnˇ¦t work,ˇ¨ he said.

But Mr Cheng has no intention to have any political affiliations, as the existing parties do not match his philosophy. ˇ§None of the party really pleases me,ˇ¨ he said. Remaining unaffiliated was a promise to his voters.

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Albert Cheng King-hon says his hands are tied.