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Smoking ban defied at universities

7 steps to quit smoking

Step 1: Be determined
Set a quit day and get the support from family and friends. Dispose
anything that is associated with cigarette, like cigarettes, ashtrays and
lighters. Stay away from smoking situations and cigarettes.

Step 2: Conquering nicotine addiction
Practise the 5 Ds:
- declare that you are quitting;
- deep breathing when feeling the urge to smoke;
- drink plenty of water;
- delay the urge to smoke by putting something other than a cigarette in your mouth like sugarless gum; and
- distract the attention from smoking to something else like
making a phone call to friends.

Step 3: Balanced diet
Avoid fatty food and eat plenty of vegetable and fruits.

Step 4: Reorient your life
Plan something enjoyable to do everyday and develop new habits like
regular exercise.

Step 5: Be persistent
Write down the reasons for quitting smoking and remind yourself these
benefits regularly.

Step 6: Think positive and picture success

Step 7: Stand firm
Persevere with the cigarette-free life. When people offer you cigarettes, tell
them you have quitted and encourage them to quit as well.
(Source: The Tobacco Control Office of the Department of Health)

Some secret smoking places
Chinese University of Hong Kong
~ Si Yuan Amenities Centre in United College
~ The eighth floor of Mong Man Wai Building
University of Science and Technology
~ An area where students call "sea front"
~ The back stairs in Hall 4
Hong Kong Baptist University
~ Washrooms in Sing Tao Communication Centre
Hong Kong Shue Yan University
~ A stairs leading to Fortress Hill

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