Culture and Leisure

Running free in concrete jungle

But when the group is going popular, it has been criticised by other parkour
players that its members do not do the genuine parkour as they have somersaults in the drills, which look aesthetic but reduce the speed of movements.

Doing the sport with art movements is regarded by parkour purists as "free
running", a separate discipline that aims at passing all obstacles in the path in a smooth and fluid way with beautiful movements.

To Zippies founders and members, they do not mind whether they are doing
free running or parkour, as long as they can perform the task.

Demir Bircan, a Swedish member, said: "I don't care about it. I just want to learn more." He said he felt very excited when he jumped from stairs to stairs, from the sixth floor to the ground floor. "I feel like a kid when playing parkour as I keep leaping around," said the 25-year-old, who is also stuntman.
There is no age restriction to join the Zippies. Hiroko Toyama, a Japanese
woman who has lived in Hong Kong for two and a half years, brought her
nine-year-old daughter to join the indoor practice. The little girl, Nao, said she learnt about parkour from a local television programme and started to pay attention to the sport.

Some women and girls play the sport as well as men do. Lisa Cheng Lai-sha, who has been a Zippies member for four months, said she could even apply the parkour skills to protect herself in daily life.

Thanks to the parkour skills, she did not hurt herself when she was jostled by
a man in the street one day. "When I lost my balance and fell, I ubconsciously applied what I have learnt from parkour and rolled. That prevent me from hitting my head onto the ground directly," said the year-three sports management student of the Hong Kong Institute of Vocational Education.

To learn to do parkour, club fans said it was not necessary for one to have years of training in kung fu or gymnastics. Parkour requires the exercise of the
whole body, and if practitioners want to improve their skills, they have to gain muscles in their arms, tendons, legs and waist, founder Joe Chan said.

A player will have a lower chance to fail in doing parkour if he is practised in the basic skills, he added.

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Demir Bircan leaps over a block in a split second.