Meanwhile, in Western people’s eyes, all work and no play makes “Jack a dull boy.”
Summer holidays are good time for long-distance travel, and Hong Kong tertiary students are well-known for their venturesome excursions overseas. Travelling does not only mean broadening one’s own horizons, but also correcting some general misconceptions imposed by others. This year, several Varsity staffers decided to share their experiences travelling to places in northern Asia, mainly Xinjiang, Datong, and Harbin in China, as well as Japan.
In the photos, one can see that China is actually a country combining various foreign cultures with her own. Despite great leaps in modern technology, Japanese people pay great respects to their own traditions.
are among the three greatest ancient Buddist cave
groups in China. The grottoes, consisting of more
than 51,000 statues of various sizes, were carved
and painted with a mixed form of Chinese
and Indian art during the Northern Wei period
(A.D.460-494) over 1,500 years ago.