From the Editor

A time of changes,
a time of challenges...
     Summer is always a time of change here at Varsity. Last season’s editors have moved on, to be replaced by those who were previously reporters. A new crop of reporters are now struggling with their first assignments.
     This summer, of course, has been one of change for our city as well. Our last British governor sailed away at midnight June 30. Our new Chief Executive has taken over. Now our new national flag and the SAR flag can be seen everywhere.
     The People's Liberation Army arrived during the early hours of July 1 in a heavy rain, arousing both criticism and curiosity.
     The Provisional Legco is up and running despite all the arguments over its power and legal status. It has amended certain laws and cancelled others.
     A large group of new young citizens from the Mainland is entering the SAR to start new lives, take up places in our already crowded classrooms, and some are competing with the local young people for jobs and opportunities.
     Meanwhile, planning for the ‘98 election is underway. Hopefully, the democracy that was taken away from us will be restored in a different form.
     With all these changes, both in our community and in our editorial team, will there be any impact on our work as journalists? Certainly not! We will be working with the same devotion to a freedom press as ever.
     In the coming academic year Varsity will be in tune with both what changes and what doesn’t, the bizarre and the normal, as it always has.
                                                                    Sophia Yow

 Letters to the Editor

October, 1997

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