March 1998

‘What bad habit do you find most irritating in other people?’

Ans-bu2.gif (24303 bytes)Lam Wai Yee
Year 1

I hate people’s behaving indecently in public areas. They do not respect themselves or others.

Ans-cit2.gif (18580 bytes)Wong Ka Cheong
Year 2
Electronic Engineering

Gossiping is the most irritating. People’s babbling over others’ personal matters does not show respect.

Ans-bu.gif (29805 bytes)Janet Cheung
Year 3

I hate people’s gossiping, speaking ill of others and smoking. I just feel uncomfortable when I see them like that.

Ans-ln.gif (15399 bytes)Lo Hing Wah
Year 2

EconomicsI think smoking since it causes air pollution. In addition, the smell of smoke is so bad that it sometimes makes me cough.

Ans-poly.gif (28598 bytes)Gigi Chan
Year 2

It must be my habit of being late all the time. I have waited for others before, so I know it is very annoying. But I just cannot help it.

Ans-cu.gif (30961 bytes)Angie Fung
Year 2
Professional Accountancy

It is irritating for people to speak foul language loudly in public areas, such as on buses, where others are forced to listen.

—Reported by Annie Yeung, Candice Ma, Fiona Lau, Chan Chi-ha, Kyle Hung, Kenix Chow.
—Photos by Teeny Chiu, Carol Ko, June Lau, Vivian To, Cherry Lam, Samantha Wong.