April 1998

The tough tone of Tung

By Christine Au

The Information Services Department is responsible for keeping the government informed of public opinion and giving advice on public reaction to government policies.

To illustrate the effectiveness of the system, the government reacted “immediately and boldly” to the avian flu crisis at the end of 1997, said a spokesperson for the Chief Executive.

The mode of transmission and impact of the new virus, H5N1, were still unknown.

“It was to the merit of the SAR government to spot the virus before the outbreak,” said the spokesperson, as information was in short supply.

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Mr. Chicken vs. Mr. Tung: Who won?

The Chief Executive was regularly briefed about the incident. The government also gave a number of press conferences and briefings.

The spokesperson said the government always considers the interests of the community as its primary concern in handling crises.

The rise and fall of the Chief Executive’s popularity in the short term is “not his cup of tea”, said his spokesperson.

That is what PR consultant Anne Forrest said about the Chief Executive: He doesn’t need a sociable image.

“I think he is a listener, a doer, but not a politician by any stretch of imagination,” says Ms Forrest, who gave Mr. Tung advice during his campaign for the post of Chief Executive.

“People who go into politics live and die by the way they present themselves to the public.

“Mr. Tung is much more solid than that,” said Ms Forrest.

In fact, Ms Forrest says that there were enough incidents for the new administration since the setting up of the Special Administrative Region.

“First, an incurable disease broke out, which had the potential to be a catastrophe. Then we had to face a completely unprecedented, region-wide and serious financial crisis.

“I am not sure if anyone would have done particularly well,” Ms Forrest said.

Now people may not buy what Mr. Tung has sold during the election for the Chief Executive.

Another PR consultant, Andy Ho On Tat, said, “When Mr. Tung stood for election, his emphasis on stability and reduction of uncertainty sold.

“However, the same formula does not work now,” says Mr. Ho.

Mr. Lo Chi Kin agrees. “The greatest asset Mr. Tung possesses is his personality. He projects a trustworthy and sincere image to the public. Nevertheless, his public relations skills are poor.”

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