Photo Features

Temporary housing areas

A page of housing history

Photos by Janice Cheung

Text by Dephanie Yeung

Temporary housing areas, such as the one in Kowloon Bay pictured here, were built for people made homeless by redevelopment, fire or natural disaster. In 1996, the government renamed temporary housing as Interim Housing, emphasizing its transitional nature.

The government is on target in its plan to clear all these areas, notorious for their unhygienic environments and crowded living conditions.

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The remaining residents will soon find a more comfortable home — provided, that is, that the SAR government does what it says it will.

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Though the living environment is generally poor, people share a larger “slice” of sky than residents of high-rises.

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Children find happiness even in the face of adversity.

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Residents of this housing area will be able to “move up” in life if the SAR government fulfills its promises on housing.

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April 1998