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April 1999

Sammy and Siu Yee


By Vivian Chow

ready for challenges?      Throughout the last three years of partnership, Sammy Leung and Kitty Yuen Siu Yee have been as close as comrades. They have been seeing each other every day, spending their time together even more than that of their families and lovers.

     Sammy and Siu Yee did not know each other before working together in the same program. Prior to their partnership in their show Sammy Go Round, Sammy had already begun his DJ career.

     Sammy entered Commercial Radio through a DJ contest in the summer before his university education. Then he started working as a part-time DJ in December of the same year.

     For Siu Yee, her career path to become a DJ was more winding.

     She also entered a DJ contest held by Commercial Radio a year before Sammy, but she lost the championship.

     Nevertheless, Siu Yee got a job in Commercial Radio working as an advertising copywriter and finally she became a DJ.

Siu Yee      Their show Sammy Go Round is the radio station's second most popular program among people aged between 15 and 24.

Question: How do you see your partner?
Sammy Leung: Siu Yee is rather naive. She can easily become happy. This is both good and bad because on the one hand she won't ask for much but on the other hand sometimes it will be difficult to communicate with her.

Q: How do you define friendship?
SL: There must be some distance. Friends should neither be too close nor too distant from each other. They cannot control the other person. It is different from marriage and family.

formal dressing Q: Does partnership help develop friendship?
SL: For me, partnership is very different from friendship because I have to see my partner everyday. Partners are like married couples.

Q: What is the most important element in partnership?
SL: Since partners have to see each other everyday, they are close to the extent that you cannot leave that person. It is like a relationship. It requires patience and they have to understand each other very well.

Q: What do you prefer, partnership or solo? Why?
SL: Different kinds of program offer different kinds of excitement. DJ show is like playing squash while working with partners is like playing ping pong. I think every DJ wants to do a DJ show because one can obtain high personal satisfaction from the selection of music and in doing the technical stuff. It is artistic and requires creativity. A mentor said that holding a DJ show is like making love with the panel. But when working with partners, we can interact with each other to achieve the best result.

Sammy Siu Yee: Sammy is smart and responsive. Basically, he is a kind person but sometimes he is rather naughty (Sammy threw rubbish at Siu Yee during the interview). Also, he has a poor memory and always needs to be reminded.

SY: It needs a great deal of time to develop a friendship and friends have to understand each other really well. Therefore, even though they may not see each other often, they are still very close. Friendship is unlike partners who may not need to be close friends and tell each other intimate things.

The New Puffy SY: Partnership can definitely help develop friendship. It is like doing projects in school. It is easier to finish a project when you are working with friends and as a result friends become closer to each other.

SY: Because partners have to work closely, they have to understand each other very well. They should spend longer periods of time together so as to understand each other better. Besides, honesty is essential.

SY: I prefer working with partners because it gives me more energy. Before, I had a DJ show called Once Upon a Time There is a Yuen Siu Yee. However, I think co-working with someone is more suitable for me.

    Working together for almost three years has never been easy for them. A good partnership requires effective communication and demands plenty of patience and acceptence. Both Sammy and Siu Yee are eager to continue their partnership in the future.
