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May 1999

Craze for 2000

By Wong Sze Man

    The year 2000 has generally been mistaken as the beginning of the 21st century but actually it is the last year of the 20th century.

    Despite this fact, several local organizations have been organizing celebration activities.

    The Wharf (Holdings) Limited, Times Square and the Hong Kong Red Cross have been organizing a countdown campaign which aims at encouraging the general public to participate and achieve three meaningful targets within the 300 days related to 2000. A countdown clock has been set up outside Times Square.

    Said the Hon. T.L. Yang, chairman of The Hong Kong Red Cross: "First, we target to train 2,000 first-aiders.

    "Second, we plan to recruit 20,000 new blood donors.

    "Third, we aim to accumulate 200,000 service hours."

    Ming Pao Holdings Limited is holding a project named "Spirit of Hong Kong Into the New Millennium" with sponsorship from Cathay Pacific.

    According to Ms. Lois Lam, assistant marketing manager of Ming Pao, the project consists of three major events.

    One of them is a series of seminars.

    The objective of these seminars is to encourage Hong Kong citizens to be more positive about the future. There will be speakers from five different sections: industry, academic, performing arts, art and design, and sports.

    Said Ms. Lam: "For instance, we've invited local fashion designer Mr. Tang Tat Chi and designer Mr. Kan Tai Keung as the speakers for the art and design section."

    Mr. Jackie Chan and Mr. Cheung Wai Leung will also be speakers.

    Besides, a community-wide aircraft livery design competition and slogan competition are being held.

    The winning livery design will be painted on a Cathay Pacific aircraft.

    Explained Ms. Lam: "The spirit of Hong Kong can be brought all around the world when the aircraft flies overseas."

    Local teenagers can join the Summer Youth Programme 1999 which is organised by the Summer Youth Programme Committee, Metro Radio and Junior Police Force as one of the celebrations.

    The programme was kicked off at the Kai Tak Airport and 2000 voluntary workers will be trained.

    Said Mr. Wilfred Lam Kwok Hing, chairman of the programme: "This year, our emphasis will be on the five virtues of education."

    The voluntary services will be divided into two categories. The first one focuses on the needy of the society including the elderly, the disabled and the new immigrants. The second concerns social problems like environmental pollution and juvenile delinquency.

     The HKSAR Government, of course, will not lag behind these organisations.

    The Provisional Urban Council has been planning several activities to celebrate the unique new year.

    A competition aiming at collecting ideas of activities for celebrating the Millennium was begun in March.

    Since the Millennium is a big event, hotels will not miss this memorable and moneymaking "festival".

    One of the five-star hotels in Hong Kong has been preparing for the Millennium celebration.

    An all-night event called "One Party, Two Centuries" will be held.

    Guests can travel through the "Time Gates" after arriving at the "Millennium Plaza". They will tour from the twenties to the eighties.

    Furthermore, guests can take a look at and beyond the 21st century with Millennium 3000, the Time Trek.

    Guests are also encouraged to dress in the costume of their favourite decades or past centuries.

    Besides, a package will be offered for guests to reserve rooms for a minimum of three consecutive nights.

    If guests are not pleased with the activities organised by others, they can plan their own way.

    Mr. Brian Joseph Luber, an American Catholic and a technical curriculum developer from Los Angeles has his own plan.

    Said he: "I'll go to Oberammergau in Germany.

    "Villages there get together to hold a function commemorating the birth of Jesus Christ once a decade.

    "Since the coming celebration coincides with the Year 2000, it's supposed to be more special."

Joy to the world

By Teny Siu

        Hannover which is in the North of Germany is organising the World's Fair of the year 2000 with the theme: "Man, Nature and Technology".

    Its goal is to review the Earth in the 21st century in numerous aspects including the environment, food, health, knowledge, work, transportation and energy.

    The Fair will be enhanced by cultural and sports events and a theme park which is dedicated to the idea of "the lasting development" of the planet.

    In New York, Times Square will follow the 94-year-old tradition of lowering a ball.

    Times Square 2000 will begin on December 31, 1999, when the New Year arrives at the South Pacific. The giant television screens placed at Times Square will broadcast a telescoped "cultural moment" highlighting 24 different cultures of the world.

    As the dawn of the year 2000 travels across the globe, Times Square 2000 will demonstrate the feeling, sense and emotion of different countries in each time zone. As bagpipe music fills Times Square, for example, video screens will show fireworks in Edinburgh.

    The celebration of the world's cultures will continue until the New Year has fallen upon all 24 time zones.

    Israel, Palestine and the West Bank will hold Millennium Threshold Observance Plans. In Bethlehem, Yasir Arafat will invite world leaders for the millennium celebrations in the city of Christ's birth.

More about the Year 2000

The Millennium Bug
The New Millennium Program....takes you to the space
Everything about 2000
English Churches' Millennium Plans

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