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May 1999

     Varsity has experienced many changes 
throughout this year. Not only has its cover been revolutionized, 
but also the editorial, the content and the various beats have 
been revitalized.

     Some readers appreciate the metamorphosis, 
while others prefer to adhere to the tradition. The latter think 
that a "school magazine" should look like a "school magazine": 
moderate and conventional.

     From my point of view, creativity is 
the most valuable quality that overrides other factors. Our 
editors have been keen on experimenting with new designs and 
illustrations which express a great deal of enthusiasm and a 
sense of belonging towards our magazine. After all, Varsity 
is an experimental student magazine. In the process of trial 
and error, mistakes are inevitable and it is hoped that 
readers can pardon the flaws.

     I would like to express my gratitude 
and appreciation towards our Publisher, Dr. Robert Stone, for 
his continuous support and guidance in helping us to accomplish 
seven issues of Varsity. He has given us much inspiration and 
freedom to explore new ideas and concepts.

     In the coming new academic year, 
the outgoing reporters will replace the outgoing editors 
who will proceed to their third year. We hope that the new 
staff will continue to exhibit their talents and creativity 
in Varsity.
