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May 1999


Reach out the Helping Hands

By Tom Ho

    Some local and worldwide charity groups have done much to help children living in poverty. Po Leung Kuk is one of the organizations in Hong Kong which organizes sponsorship schemes to help homeless children.

    According to the spokeswoman of the Public Relations Department in Po Leung Kuk, who declined to reveal her name, two kinds of sponsorship are available for interested parties to choose.

    One is to donate money for the general children's welfare business. The other is to have one child assigned to each sponsor through the donation. In the latter kind of sponsorship, the sponsors can apply to visit the children.

    Miss Ace Hung, a year one biochemistry student in the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, is one of those sponsors.

    Ace is now sponsoring a 3-year-old boy in Hong Kong through Po Leung Kuk.

    Said Ace: "Just donating money to provide them with food and accommodation is only part of the sponsorship, which by itself is obviously inadequate for the children's balanced development."

    In view of this, Ace voluntarily visits the child weekly or biweekly, in addition to donating $900 each year.

    While Ace chooses to sponsor those children in Hong Kong, some people would like to help those living thousand miles away.

    "The living standard of Hong Kong is of a reasonable level. But in some countries, food and housing are in immediate demand," said Miss Joyce Chan, a year one medicine student in the Chinese University of Hong Kong.

spon-2.jpg     She is now supporting her third child in the Third World via World Vision Hong Kong.

    However, Joyce can feel that a barrier exists between the sponsored children and her.

    "Communication is restricted due to the inefficient mailing systems in those backward countries. Correspondence can only be made every three months," said Joyce.

    Another obstacle is the language barrier.

    Said she: "That was a time my meaning was twisted by the translator in the organization, making the child and me very frustrated."

    No matter how discouraging the communication might be, Joyce thinks that it is meaningful to spare $200 a month for the needy children.

    However, not every case leaves the sponsor with pleasure. On the contrary, some children would behave in ways that trouble the sponsors.

    Said Joyce: "One of my sponsored children in Ethiopia continued writing me letters after the sponsorship was discontinued by the organization."

    According to World Vision, sponsorship would be terminated if the child can be self-reliant.

    The case turned out to be somewhat like blackmail because that child, being classified as self-sufficient, kept asking Joyce for financial support directly.

    Said Joyce: "He claimed that he could not find a job. But there was no evidence to prove this. I can't help thinking that every letter sent previously was part of his plot."

    Joyce did not reply to the child and no letter was sent afterward. She was simply upset and felt cheated.

spon-mum.jpg     Not everyone can afford to contribute in non-monetary means. To some sponsors, money is all that they could contribute.

    Mr. George Lui, a 48-year-old businessman who owns a factory in Mainland China, started sponsoring children in a remote area of the Hu Nan province two years ago.

    Mr. Lui felt that it was his obligation to donate money to grant them chances to study.

    However, Mr. Lui tries to prevent himself from becoming involved in the matter deeply.

    Explained he:"I have to shoulder certain social responsibilities and family burdens. This makes me unable to devote time and attention to the sponsorship.

    "What I can contribute is money, roughly $4000 a year. As long as it doesn't alter my own lifestyle, I'm willing to provide help."

    Mr. Lui admitted that his effort is very limited."I just want to play my part. And I hope the literate children can in turn help others some day when they've grown up."

More about Child Sponsorship

World Vision Child Sponsorship

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