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            Boxes of Taiwanese pomelos and New Zea-               Jacky places boxes of fruit from his stall to his
             land apples sit beside the female vendor.           truck for delivery. The tailboard of his truck lifts
                                                                    up both himself and the electric pallet jack.

           Stacks of boxes with fresh fruit    “My mentor operated the stall for
        from different countries fill up Water-  around 30 years. We took over the
        loo Road, Shek Lung Street, and Rec-  stall after he migrated,” he says.
        lamation Street. Middle-aged workers   Jacky learns the industry’s vibrant
        yell  fruit names  against  the  buzz  of  history from his mentor. “There were
        rumbling electric pallet jacks.     more than a hundred fruit stalls be-
           Hectic and chaotic it might seem,  fore a fire accident in 2016…Those
        fruit vendors begin just another or-  were the good old days of the fruit
        dinary day of work at midnight in  market. Now only around 30 stalls re-
        Yau Ma Tei Wholesale Market, Hong  main,” he sighs.
        Kong’s biggest fruit market.           A three-alarm fire broke out at a
           Like his fellow vendor, Jacky from  stall near Shek Lung Street in Yau Ma
        Raw Fruit, a small stall on Waterloo  Tei Wholesale Market on September
        Road of the market, starts his day at  4, 2016. At least 10 fruit stalls were
        midnight.                           destroyed.
           “We arrive at the airport to col-   “Some stalls were destroyed and
        lect fruit at around 10 p.m. and return  closed down after the fire. Fewer peo-
        to the fruit market at around 12 a.m.  ple are joining this business. The in-
        Our stall closes at around 4 a.m. after  dustry starts to die down,” he says.
        our customers pick up fruit they order   Yau Ma Tei Wholesale Market was
        from us,” says Jacky, owner of the stall,  built in 1913. Originally named “Gov-
        who declines to reveal his full name.   ernment Vegetables Market”, it once
           Jacky and his partner started do-  handled nearly all fresh food sold in
        ing fruit wholesale business five years  Kowloon. In 1965, the government
        ago. They took over the fruit stall from  relocated the wholesale of vegetables,
        their mentor who taught them how to  poultry, and fish to Cheung Sha Wan.
        do business.                        Since then, the market has only oper-
           “My partner and I looked for fruit  ated wholesale business of fruit.
        suppliers as we wanted to start a fruit   Commonly known as “guo laan”,
        stall. This is how we met our mentor.  meaning “fruit market” in Cantonese,
        It is fate,” he recalls.            the market stretches along Shek Lung                        In between towers of fruit boxes, a vendor crosses the road with his electric pallet jack.
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