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                                              It definitely takes time for the elderly

                                              to look at the gay community from a

                                                                   new angle.

                  Ying Xin

      sand just like an ostrich.         practical concern.                  parents from China or foreign coun-
        “The conservative views of older    Zhang hesitates to come out to his  tries,” Xin says. 
      generations are the biggest barrier in  parents due to his fear of losing their   Xin acknowledges the influence of
      communication. My parents might be  financial support.                 the One-Child Policy on the gay com-
      afraid of people gossiping about me,”   “I can’t live on my own, so I have  munity.
      Gong says.                         to get along with my parents well,”     “Many Chinese parents are eager
        “I do not think same-sex marriage  Zhang says.                       to have grandchildren, and this puts
      will be legalised in Mainland China. I   Many times, Zhang’s father has  pressure on their gay children. To seek
      probably will not tell my parents that  asked him “When will you find a girl-  a more liberal atmosphere and escape
      I am gay forever. I can say that I am  friend?” publicly during family gath-  from their parents, these young peo-
      a DINK (Double-Income-No-Kids,  erings. This makes him speechless.     ple will move to big cities like Beijing
      couples who both have salaries but do   “I feel helpless when hearing what  or Shanghai. But that might make
      not want children) to explain why I do  he says. I have no idea what reaction  their parents feel even more worried.
      not want to have babies,” Gong adds.  I should have. So I  pretend that I do  It is a vicious cycle,” Xin says.
                                         not hear him,” he says.                 Xin hopes that the public will ac-
                 Hesitation                 Zhang says that he is still finding a  cept the gay community, as the atti-
        Facing  an  equally  difficult  situa-  proper way to tell his parents that he  tude of the Chinese government has
      tion, Justin Zhang*, a gay student who  is gay. He is not afraid of dealing with  become more positive.
      is studying at Wuhan University, has a  troubles or communicating with the   “We can now see that discussions
                                         older generation.                   related to the homosexual group are
                                             “I would like to tell them that only  happening in many areas such as
                                         if I can live the way I want, I will be  policy, education, and culture. The co-
                                         happy,” he says.                    operation opportunities of NGOs and
                                                                             enterprises are increasing. Our future
                                                   NGOs’ Words               path won’t be easy, but we will keep
                                            Ying Xin, executive director of  moving forward,” she says.
                                         Beijing LGBT Centre and a visiting
                                         scholar  of Human  Rights  Advocate    *Name changed at interviewee’s re-
                                         Programme  (HRAP),  School of  In-  quest/to protect the interviewee.
                                         ternational and Public Affairs at Co-                  Edited by
                                                                                                Edited by
                                         lumbia University, points out that it
                                                                                         Charleen Chen
                                         takes time for parents to accept the            Charleen Chen
                                         gay community.                                   Sub-edited by
                                                                                          Sub-edited by
                                            “It definitely takes time for the el-
                                                                                             Laurissa Liu
                                         derly  to  look at the  gay  community              Laurissa Liu
        LGBT community in China.
                                         from a new angle, no matter they are
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