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              One of a Kind Cassette Player

          NINM Lab kickstarted the world’s first cassette player which is compatible with Bluetooth
                                            5.0 headphones or speakers.
                                                     By Emilie Lui

               owadays,  music  streaming  OKAY”, hoping to establish a dialogue  people to display their tapes while lis-
               services make it easy for us to  with users and remind them that  tening to them, just like when people
        Nget access to almost any song,  when we are saying “It’s okay” to our  share songs they are listening to on
        anywhere and at any time. However,  friends, there may be possibilities that  Instagram.
        cassette tapes have made a comeback  we are actually not. NINM Lab thinks   In  fact,  they  have  encountered
        in a wave of nostalgia.             that music has accompanied people in  some difficulties in finding a manufac-
           Sales of cassette tapes have seen an  times of happiness and healed them  turer. Cat Ong, another member from
        upsurge in recent years when a mix-  in times of sadness so the launch of  NINM Lab, explains, “The greatest
        tape was shown on-screen in Marvel’s  IT’S OK Bluetooth 5.0 cassette player  obstacle was finding a supplier since
        Guardians of the Galaxy film. The ap-  brings a new perspective to the ro-  compact cassette technology had 40
        pearance of cassette tapes can also be  manticism of the 80s cassette player.  years of history. Production of cassette
        found in a popular Netflix’s TV pro-   Apart from taking an emotional  players declined in the 90s when com-
        gramme, Stranger Things. Some for-  approach, the design studio also fo-  pact discs were introduced. Indeed,
        eign singers such as Justin Bieber and  cuses on the design of the cassette  the production of Sony Walkman has
        Ariana  Grande  have  also  published  player. They have found that cassette  been ceased for 10 years. So, there are
        their album in cassette format. This  tape collectors are not necessarily  not many factories that still produce
        shows the antiquated device is gain-  music lovers but people who love aes-  cassette players.” Eventually, they
        ing popularity again in this digital age.  thetic goods. “Some people may think  found a factory that has  30  years of
           NINM Lab has launched a Kick-    that CDs could be replaced by music  experience in manufacturing cassette
        starter project, which is a Bluetooth  streaming services. However, cassette  players to support their production.
        5.0 cassette player, giving the music  tapes or vinyl records are special and   Despite having obstacles in launch-
        device a brand-new appearance. The  tangible products that encourage  ing the cassette player, NINM Lab has
        merging of Bluetooth and convention-  people to purchase them even if they  successfully raised $648, 205 with 978
        al audio technology from 40 years ago  know they are not going to listen to  backers on Kickstarter. The first batch
        makes the tape player stand out from  the  songs.”  They  believe  that  the de-  of products will be delivered to their
        other similar devices.              sign of cassette tapes is one of the rea-  customers by the end of 2019.
           However, the design studio is not  sons for its growing popularity in the   If  you  want  to  know  more  about
        only selling the features of the cassette  digital era.                the ITS OKAY Cassette Player, you
        player. Sanami Kwok, who works on      Having noticed the increased de-  may pre-order on their website or visit
        public relations and marketing for  mand  for an  aesthetically  pleasing  their Facebook page for more details.
        NINM Lab, says, “We won’t empha-    music player, NINM Lab has decided
        sise that our product is more techno-  to recreate an affordable device for         Edited by Lily Yu
        logically advanced. Instead, we take  cassette tape collectors, providing
        an emotional approach and relate  customers with a way to appreciate
        the products to one’s mood.” The Lab  their cassette tapes apart from shelv-
        has named the cassette player “IT’S  ing them. Its transparent case allows
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