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February 19 2021 Online Colloquium
                Host:                           Co-organisers:

            Students from The University of Tokyo, Kyushu University and Varsity students of the Chinese University of Hong Kong joined an
                                      online colloquium Beyond COVID-19 on February 19 2021.

        Editor's Note: Rethink Recover Rebuild Beyond COVID-19

            n February 19, the University of Tokyo, Kyushu Univer-  “Beyond COVID-19” is the first joint event co-held by the
         Osity and the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK)   University of Tokyo, the Chinese University of Hong Kong
        held an online colloquium, “Beyond COVID-19”, to rethink the  and Kyushu University. The formal online colloquium comes
        impact of the pandemic and what we can do for our future.  after a trial event by CUHK, the University of Tokyo and
                                                              Kyushu University in November 2020. During the trial, stu-
         The pandemic has gripped the world for over a year. During  dents from CUHK shared their reporting experiences about
        the colloquium, Professor Jeff Hou from the University of   protests triggered by the anti-Extradition Law Amendment
        Washington, Professor Edward Vickers from Kyushu Univer-  Bill movement in the city and the introduction of National
        sity, and lecturer Agnes Lam from CUHK delivered speeches   Security Law.
        that look into civic resilience, education prospect and surviv-
        ing infodemic under the pandemic.                      The colloquium on February 19 marks our first time having
                                                              breakout room discussions with students from different
         Free-flowing exchange of experiences and thoughts among  countries and regions across East Asia to actively connect
        students flourished. Journalism majors from CUHK shared   with each other beyond societal norms. Conversations
        their stories of reporting during the pandemic in South   allowed students to share their individual and unique
        Korea, Hong Kong, Taiwan and China. They explored issues   experiences, as well as to know more about situations other
        including how the elderly are coping with the pandemic in   people are facing. Topics such as the balance between
        South Korea, mainland Chinese students’ dilemma of using   privacy and outbreak preventive measures, racial discrimina-
        VPN and how international students worldwide are coping   tion amid pandemic, as well as vaccine concerns were also
        with late night online lectures.                      fruitfully discussed.

         The colloquium also provoked discussions about politics,   Thank you to all students from the three universities who
        shifting lifestyles and self-identity. Students from the Uni-  contribute to the production and publication of this news-
        versity of Tokyo and Kyushu University gave presentations   letter. While pandemic lingers, we may take the opportunity
        on situations in Japan, such as how the pandemic reshapes   to rethink, recover and rebuild beyond COVID-19.
        music and baseball tournament industry, and how design
        flaws of COCOA, a COVID-19 contact-tracing application                                By Savoki Zhang
        developed by the Japanese government, triggered worries
        over its effectiveness.
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