Page 12 - Beyond COVID-19
P. 12

Rethink, Reform and Reborn in COVID-19

          OVID-19 has brought the whole world a new chapter in human   families that often. Some may have not met their loved ones for
        Chistory. The world seems to be paused and everyone is strug-  months or perhaps a year because of geographical boundaries.
       gling hard to survive this pandemic physically or mentally.
                                                               This makes us cherish every chance that we can see our loved ones
        The pandemic has completely disrupted our life plan, but it also   because no one knows what will happen in such an uncertain time.
       brings surprises. We are forced to make changes and rethink how to   COVID-19 has taught us a big lesson – never take things for granted.
       make life works.
                                                               Bad things always come with good things. Apart from problems
        As mentioned by Comparative Education Professor Edward Vickers   that the pandemic has brought us, COVID-19 urges us to rethink our
       at Kyushu University in online colloquium ‘Beyond COVID-19’ on   life, reform the tradition and give birth to a new world.
       February 19, education had changed a lot due to the pandemic.
       Online learning has become popular, and it has brought a lot more
       varieties to classroom and make academic exchange between differ-                           By Angel Woo
       ent places easier.

        Students and teachers from different parts of the world can meet
       virtually without geographical constraints. Students can learn any-  COVID-19 has taught us       ”
                                                              a big lesson – never take
        The pandemic has also made us to rethink our social life. This is   things for granted.
       probably the first time that we are not able to see our friends and

       Stay Hopeful at a Difficult Time

          he whole world has been fighting   especially when mental health resources are   government has made me question how
        Tagainst COVID-19 for more than a   always inadequate in Hong Kong. Currently,   data is processed after its collection.
       year. Most of us have already lowered our   only 400 psychiatrists are serving the 7.5
       expectations of having a quick return to   million local population. The government   But I believe we can stay hopeful in this
       normal. We miss the days when we could go   must truly reconsider its priorities to address   difficult time.
       travelling and join gatherings.     the urgent needs of mental healthcare
                                           services.                             As Landscape Architecture Professor Jeff
        As the pandemic continues, the growing                                  Hou at The University of Washington and
       number of vaccine approvals may give us   The pandemic has unmasked problems in a   Comparative Education Professor Edward
       some hope. But can our lives really return to   way nobody expected, and policy indecision   Vickers at Kyushu University shared in
       normal? I have my reservations.     exacerbates them.                    online colloquium ‘Beyond COVID-19’ on
                                                                                February 19, the pandemic allows us to
        When adjusting to “new normal”, not only   Some believe that self-discipline is more   reflect on our current practices. Besides seiz-
       do our daily routines change, but our mental   effective in reducing infection of COVID-19,   ing new opportunities, we can also be better
       health and self-confidence are being deeply   criticising government measures of being   prepared when next crisis comes.
       affected as well.                   selective and politically charged. In the past
                                           25 lockdowns, only four out of the 24,000
        During the pandemic, many are suffering   tests yielded positive cases.
       from anxiety and depression, and this is
       indicated by the huge drop in scores of local   The use of data in the tracking app “Leave
       residents’ mental health index in 2020.    Home Safe” also leaves me with suspicions.
                                           Tracking is surely useful in limiting virus
        The situation now is worse than ever,   transmissions, but the poor attitude of the      By Bonnie Yam
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