
Disgraced DJ pulls through dark days with family support

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Support came not only from his family, but also from his colleagues in the radio station, where he has worked for more than 10 years. His job partner Ms Yuen is, of course, a member of his ˇ§familyˇ¨. They tried to raise each otherˇ¦s spirits in their telephone conversations during their suspension. Ms Yuen is just like a sister to him.

"903 (the radio channel) is like a big family,ˇ¨ he said. His colleagues shared his workload when he was not able to report to work.

Mr Leung expressed deep gratitude to his colleagues and said family values must be treasured in a workplace. A person will be unhappy if he treats his office, or school, as a horrible place, he said. ˇ§If you spend eight hours to sleep, and then feel in hell for another eight hours, that means two-thirds of your life will be wasted.ˇ¨

He put the concept of family support in his drama, Big Nose, which was performed from September 7 to 11. The show, in which he again partnered with Ms Yuen, portrayed a group of clowns in a circus facing failure in life. The script was heavily rewritten after the internet poll incident, Mr Leung said. He added more family values into the drama.

The entertainer said nowadays people always put their careers, love lives, or even leisure interests before their families. But he himself cherishes his family more than before.

ˇ§The sense of family is more important than earning a lot of money,ˇ¨ Mr Leung said. ˇ§Having a dinner with the whole family is bliss to me.ˇ¨
He also wants to bring that sense of happiness to his radio programme listeners.

ˇ§Truck drivers stay in their trucks for more than 10 hours a day. Their only entertainment is listening to the radio. If I can make them happy for two out of the ten hours, it is already very satisfying.ˇ¨ He said he would be happier to find a truck driver enjoying his programmes than to have fans waiting for him
outside his office for autographs.

Trying to make a comeback after the shame, Mr Leung said he would not consider much about success now, as there was still large room for improvement in his work.

ˇ§There is no absolute definition for success. And it is hard to meet other peopleˇ¦s definitions of success.ˇ¨

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Big Nose: a drama performed by Sammy Leung Chi-kin.
It portrayed a group of clowns in a circus facing failure
in life.