Letter from the Editor
A great semester
We have had a wonderful experience and a great time in editing Varsity for this semester.
Our editing team has an interesting mix of students – two from mainland China , one from South Korea and five from Hong Kong . In the editors’ computer lab, where we planned our issues and struggled with the copy-editing and page production work to meet the deadlines, we discussed our ideas noisily and busily in different tongues – English, Putonghua, Cantonese and Korean. We are far from lost in translation, though there were some occasions of bewilderment, as we always understand each other in English precisely.
We have learnt to work both independently and dependently. Each editor guided their own section reporters in newsgathering, subbed the copies and designed and made the pages on their own, while we depended on each other’s comments and suggestions to improve our own work.
Thanks to our teamwork and, above all, the hard work of our reporters, we bring you another content-packed issue of our magazine, which is the last one under our editorship.
The cover story of this issue looks into the copyright problems and other challenges posed by the emergence of video-sharing websites. In Our Community section, we report on local residents selling recyclable wastes and doubts about the government’s gifted education policy.
We also talk to a popular music video director about his passion for work and to experts for their views on how to wear high heels comfortably. The travel section, meanwhile, takes us to the well-known rocky Po Toi Island. And there are many more other absorbing pieces and photo features.
Happy reading.
Alan Liu
Managing Editor