I regret that the cry for improvement has fallen on deaf ears in the case of the canteen in United College at the Chinese University. On 25 October 1997 (Saturday), I was further impressed by impoliteness and inefficiency. Having waited for nearly an hour for beancurd with spicy meat sauce, I was insulted by a cook who used abusive language. It was 2:50 p.m. when the woman at the counter responded that the ingredients for my dish were already picked. Being told that they would only cook when several orders of the same dish had accumulated, I asked if the cook could make me one more dish of whatever he was cooking at that time for the sake of convenience. She told me to wait longer. I asked how much longer were they going to keep me waiting if nobody ordered the same dish as mine. A male staff dressed as a cook came out, yelling to me that there was only one cook inside cooking and shouted at me with abusive language. It is the duty of the staff to accommodate the customers, and they should be sorry for failing to do so. Instead, the staff at the canteen threw a temper tantrum in front of a hungry customer who didn’t get what she paid for. Was it my fault for not being lucky enough to have someone ordering the same dish as mine? Am I supposed to be blamed for the shortage of labour? The staff of the canteen at United College still owes me an apology. Michelle Chow United College CUHK |