January 1999 An Unusual ClassImprovising DramaBy Jenny Chung
Instead of relying solely on a scriptwriter, modern theatres are trying innovative ways, such as discussions and games. Class 7A is one of the theatres which have been experimenting this way. Their latest performance 72A was created by the improvisation of actors. "The first reason for our theatre to create a drama by improvisation was that we couldn't find a script," said Mr. Leung Shing Him, the artistic director of Class 7A. "But the main reason was that we wanted to try unconventional ways to create a drama," he said. Mr. Leung explained that although improvisation may be new to some audiences, the concept is not difficult to understand. "Good communication is vital in making the scene work." The other important element in improvisation, according to Mr. Leung, is the contributions from actors. All actors are free to put their own ideas into the drama. He said, "As there was no script, the whole story was created solely based on the ideas of the actors." However, there are certain restrictions. Said Mr. Leung: "I gave them certain parameters when they improvised. For example, I would ask them to use materials in fairy tales only. "The actors acted spontaneously and intuitively after they'd received a topic. They really didn't sit down and think." The reason behind all these steps is to make sure the theme will be consistent throughout the play. Remarked Mr. Leung: "Not all people are born to be creative though. "Therefore, as a director, it's my responsibility to fix those parts that are not good enough." Mr. Leung said a lot of people thought he demanded too much professionalism from the actors. Said he, "Apart from acting, the actors had to do a lot of mimes, shift roles quickly, and construct ensemble together. "Fortunately, the result was quite satisfactory." Uncertainty was another problem in the improvisation process. "When there's a script, the flow of the drama is very clear." he said. "However, everything was uncertain without a script. We never knew what would happen next."
Miss Yip Shun Yan, an actor of the play 72A, agreed that the most unforgettable part of the performance was the feeling of uncertainty. Miss Yip said she was very worried before the performance, as everything was susceptible to changes. "It's the responsibility of actors to deliver the message of the drama to the audience. It will be really dangerous if the performers don't understand the message well enough," she said. However, despite all the worries, she agreed that she received much more satisfaction from this performance. She said, "We acted and we created. We got our satisfaction from our increased particpation." Although both actors and director obtained much satisfaction from it, Mr. Leung said Class 7A would not do improvisation drama again soon. Said he: "The target of Class 7A is not to do improvisation. What we care about is the originality and the performance. "As long as we hold on to our principles, we are willing to try other ways of creating a drama."