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February 1999

Which song do you like most and why?

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Axel Hsu
Year 2
My favorite song is the National Anthem of the People's Republic of China. It expresses our love towards our motherland and what's more, it is easy to sing.

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Kitty Lee
Year 1
Social Work
IIt is defenitely "Yesterday once more" by The Carpenters. This melodic country song deviates from mainstream love songs and describes the growing process of a person. It can always make me recall what had happened in my childhood.

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Connie Leung
Year 1
"That's why (you go away)" by Michael Learns To Rock. Although it is simple, its lyrics and melody together form a touching song.

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Lam Ka Chun
Year 1
Chemical Engineering
It should be "Truly, Madly, Deeply" by Savage Garden. The song is very electronic which has always been my favorite type of music. The lyrics are very meaningful too.

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Tsang Wing Ki
City U
Year 2
"Saddened as you kiss" co-sung by William So Wing Hong and Ng Kok King. Among canto-pops, the melody is outstanding and the vocal part is especially impressive.

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Louise Ma
Poly U
Year 1
I like "Oxygen" by Mavis Fan Xiao Xuan most. It depicts a girl who regards the importance of her boyfriend as comparable with oxygen. It is a wonderful piece of music and Mavis is also a singer I am fond of.

Reported by:
Grace Cheng, Pete Yeung, Ada Wong, Kwaong Sum Yin, Eliza Wong and
Michele Tang.

Photos by:
Lam Lai Ming, Polly Lau, Sophia Wong, Teny Siu, Tom Ho and Linda Leung.

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