Page 16 - 151 Varsity Ebook
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             our months ago, Fredaley, an or-  by non-governmental
             dinary housewife, left her home   organisations, training
        Fin the Philippines and came to     classes are available in
        Hong Kong alone. Barely able to speak   Wan Chai, Kowloon
        a word in Cantonese, she had no expe-  City  and  Tsuen  Wan    [I have learnt] how to
        rience working as a domestic helper.   districts.           feed the elder, [help them]
        But her employer Ms Yue still decided   Training  courses
        to hire her to take care of her father   are  taught  by  profes-  take a bath and help them
        who is over 90 years old.           sional nurses, physi-
                                            otherapists and oc-             take medicine
                 Retraining abroad          cupational therapists,
           An 18-month pilot scheme was     covering common el-
        launched by the Social Welfare De-  derly care skills such as
        partment in 2018 to strengthen the   fall prevention, first aid and assisting   them take medicine,” Fredaley says.
        skills  of  foreign  domestic  helpers  in   the elderly with mild mobility impair-  Yue notices Fredaley’s performance
        taking care of frail elderly and en-  ment to change positions. Domestic   has improved after joining the pilot
        hance their quality of life in the com-  helpers will be awarded attendance   scheme, which equips her with medi-
        munity. In collaboration with the De-  certificates after finishing the course.   cal knowledge.
        partment of Health and six District    “[I have learnt] how to feed the el-  Wiri, 24, another domestic helper
        Elderly Community Centres operated   derly, [help them] take a bath and help   from Indonesia who joined the train-

                        Foreign domestic helpers attending the Pilot Scheme on Training for Foreign Domestic Helpers on Elderly Care
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