Page 17 - 151 Varsity Ebook
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                                                                Domestic helpers can learn elderly care skills such as
                                                                feeding, helping them take medicine and checking their
                                                                blood pressure in the training course

      ing courses, says she has to take care   scheme together with their domestic  ngor proposed a series of elderly ser-
      of Ms Yu’s family and her 87-year-old   helpers. “Elderly have their own opin-  vices programmes, aiming to achieve
      mother. Wiri believes the certificate   ions,” she says, “and domestic help-  the target  of “ageing in the place  as
      has given her recognition and she has   ers cannot make their own decisions  core, institutional care as back-up”. By
      learned a lot from the lessons. “The   since it depends on the preferences of  “ageing-in-place”,  the elderly are al-
      in-class instructions are clear,” she   the elderly.” She believes it is impor-  lowed to choose to live and age in an
      says, “[the trainers] teach us step by   tant for the elderly and domestic help-  environment they are familiar with
      step.”                             ers to work together.               and are attached to. With a limited
        A total of 300 free training places                                  supply of residential care services, for-
      are provided. The scheme receives            Ageing in place           eign labour might be a solution for el-
      overwhelming responses and Yu had     According to the Census and Sta-  derly care policies.
      to queue in a waiting list for Wiri’s   tistics  Department, the Hong  Kong
      place. “Both my mother and my helper   population is projected to be ageing      New solution?
      can learn something from the cours-  with an increase of elderly aged 65 or   Other than foreign domestic help-
      es,” Yu suggested the organiser that   over from 1.16 million (16.6 per cent  ers, private foreign caregivers are also
      employers should participate in the   of the total population) in 2016 to 2.37  hired to take care of elderly at home
                                                    million (31.1 per cent) in  in Hong Kong. They are usually regis-
                                                    2036.  The  projected  in-  tered nurses with a higher education
                                                    crease means greater de-
                                                                             level and recognised qualifications.
                                                    mand  for  medical  care  Currently, most of the private foreign
                                                    services.                caregivers in the market are from In-
         Elderly have their own                        In light of the situa-  donesia and the Philippines.

                                                                                When they come to Hong Kong,
         opinions, and domestic                     tion, the Chief Executive   they stay with their own employ-
                                                    Carrie Lam Cheng Yuet-
       helpers cannot make their

       own decisions since it de-                                       Number  of  elderly  Percentage of the to-
                                                                                           tal population (%)
                                                                        persons (million)
      pends on the preferences of                     2016              1.16               16.6
                the elderly                           2066              2.59               36.6
                                                                        Source: The Census and Statistics Department
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