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                                                   Getting a blind date from vending machines

                                                                                               By Ariel Lai

         nsert coins, turn the knob, and…   Tang says he wants to change the  by WeChat through which users can
         ta-da! Here comes a rounded cap-  local dating culture with his machines.  block or reject friend requests. “They
     Isule which contains an appealing  “Generally, it’s hard to find a partner  have the right to say no,” he says.
      little toy that may be an anime figu-  here since many occupations have   Tang introduces the “Pain Cap-
      rine or a miniature of food and ani-  long working hours, not to mention  sules” in addition to the original Fate
      mals.                              the prominent problem of gender im-  Capsules. The new idea allows users
        Capsule toys, or Gashapon in  balance in many industries,” he says.  to share their heartbreaking stories
      Japanese, are childhood memories of  Tang adds that many female users of  with potential dates. While the origi-
      many Hong Kong people. But have  the machines are nurses or kindergar-  nal capsules are more popular among
      you ever imagined getting a blind date  ten teachers, whereas male users are  male users in their 20s, the new Pain
      from a capsule toy? The tower of pink  usually engineers or members of dis-  Capsules, which contain more than
      capsule vending machines standing  ciplined  services.  These  occupations  simple personal information, are well-
      outside BT Reptile, a pet store in Shek  are known for extreme sex ratios.  received by female users.
      Kip Mei, does exactly that.           Do the Fate Capsule machines ac-    If you want to take a chance to
          Ben Tang, 26, owner of BT Rep-  tually make any successful matches?  meet a new partner, find the Fate Cap-
      tile, came  across  the  idea  in Taiwan  Tang  says  he does  hear about  suc-  sule machines at Shop 208, Kum Yuck
      and decided to set up his own one on  cessful cases  occasionally. “We  have  Building, 2 Wai Chi Lane, Shek Kip
      Valentine’s Day last year. Named “Fate  a withdrawal mechanism. When us-  Mei or visit their Facebook page for
      Capsule”, the machines have sold over  ers are no longer single, they ask us to  more information.
      2,000 capsules, with around 20 to 30  opt them out from the matching and
      users a week.                      have their names removed.” He says
        Paying HK$20, a capsule contain-  some  couples  matched through the         Edited by Valerie Wan
      ing the name and personal details of  machines revisited his shop to thank
      a date will be spat out from the ma-  him.
      chine. People who want their infor-   He  has also  taken  measures  to
      mation contained in a capsule have to  make the matchmaking process safer.
      leave their information such as name,  Applicants are screened before their
      age, height, weight, hobby and contact  information is put in the capsules,
      on Fate Capsule’s Facebook page.   and they are only allowed to contact
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