Page 58 - 151 Varsity Ebook
P. 58


               Visitor Ms Tang is attending a Lion Head crafting tutorial at a small workshop by
               Master Ng Kong-kin, the Fire Dragon artist in the village. She is building frames
               for a Lion Head with bamboo sticks and adhesive tapes.

           The conservation effort eventually  walking tour. “It’s rare for a village to  worth passing down to the next gen-
        paid off when Pokfulam Village suc-  organise walking tours for outsiders,  eration. By means of conserving the
        cessfully made its appearance on the  and I find it very interesting,” she says.  “hardware”, he hopes to preserve the
        2014 World Monuments Watch – a          The village has gained local and  intangible culture in the village, and
        programme which uses cultural her-  international recognition, villagers  ultimately, the “diversity of living” in
        itage conservation to empower com-  have built a community which could  Hong Kong.
        munities and improve the sustainabil-  decide its own destiny on the path of   “Pokfulam  Village  is  a  treasure
        ity of their cherished sites. Since then  conservation. Steven Chui Chu-kwan,  box. Hidden treasures are concealed
        about 4,000 visitors have joined the  chairperson of the conservation  in every household, waiting to be un-
        village’s biweekly walking tours.   group,  says:  “We  have to start  from  covered,” he says.
           Ms Tang, who visits the village with  the community level and we cannot
        her husband and child during week-  just  rely  on the  government  to take
        ends and attends a Lion Head crafting  action.”
        workshop, is fascinated by the unique   Nigel Ko Wing-hong, another             Edited by Valerie Wan
        history and culture of Pokfulam Vil-  vice-chairperson of the group, be-
        lage. She first learned about the cul-  lieves the “way of living” of the village
        ture of the village when she joined the  and its wisdoms are priceless gems
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