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           Hong Kong illustrator Choi Ming-  she captured moments spent with her  1,000 enquiries on Instagram about
        sum, or better known as Choi Sum,   son. Choi’s sloth products were her  her illustration book and sloth prod-
        has never thought her drawings can   son’s favourite toys.              ucts shown on television. Her Insta-
        warm others’ hearts and help her       It was Choi’s idea to add sloth el-  gram account has reached over 13,900
          carve out a career.               ements to the drama. She has always  followers as of early December.
           “I first started drawing because it   loved drawing sloths and calls it a   “It is really beyond my imagina-
        was fun. Now, drawing means much    “self-portrait”.                    tion. The drama director spotted a
        more to me. It leads me to a state of   “Sloths like to live in their own  drawing I gave my pregnant friend as
        mind called flow that I become fully   worlds and they are reluctant to work.  a gift by accident. He then invited me
        immersed in drawing. This helps me   They adopt a passive aggressive atti-  to work together. I had never thought
        meditate,” Choi says.               tude when they feel powerless. That is  the audience would like to buy my art-
           Choi’s drawings and her iconic   what I often do too,” Choi says.    work. But I am happy to go with the
        sloth products were featured in Vi-    She believes one of the reasons her  flow,” the 31-year-old illustrator says.
        uTV’s TV drama Single Papa starring   sloth products went viral is that many   “Indeed, the sloth collection is the
        Ronald Cheng Chung-kei and Maggie   Hongkongers also shared this men-   first milestone in my art journey. But
        Cheung Ho-yee last winter.          tality – unwilling to work and to deal  I hope someday when people think of
           The drama is about a single father   with the powerlessness in life.  me, it would be more than just sloths,”
        learning to love himself and others    Working on the TV drama aside  she adds.
        after his wife passed away in an ac-  from her full-time job, Choi felt over-
        cident. Choi’s drawings were featured   whelmed when her work won praise
        in a sketchbook left by the wife where   from audiences. She received over
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