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            Election System Overhaul In
                   The Future?
             Lau Siu-kai, vice-president of the
        semi-official Chinese Association of
        Hong Kong and Macau Studies, says
        he is unfamiliar with the subject,
        when responding to Varsity’s request
        for an interview.
             But when speaking to local media
        on September 15, he said reforming
        the district council will be inevitable
        to prevent from becoming a platform
        for political struggle.
             Executive Council convenor Ber-
        nard Chan admitted on March 10 that
        overhauling the district council would
        wipe out the city’s democratic devel-
        opment since the handover, but he
        stressed it  would  be needed  to “give
        confidence to the Central Govern-
        ment that ‘One County, Two Systems’
        could carry on”.
             Liz Truss, foreign secretary of the
        United Kingdom, issued a statement
        objecting to the disqualification of
        district councilors on October 21. She
        said she was “deeply concerned” about
        the development and urged the Hong
        Kong government to “uphold freedom
        of speech and allow the public a genu-            Hong Kong Councillors; Foreign Secretary’s statement
        ine choice of political representatives”.   (Screencap from the government website of United Kingdom)
             The Hong Kong government re-
        sponded on October 22 that the oath-
        taking of district councilors was “con-
        ducted in full compliance to the Basic
        Law”, and “strongly deplores and con-
        demns” the smearing and unfair com-
        ments by foreign governments.

         Edited by Lok Chung-yin

                                                   An empty office of a resigned district councilor in Hang Hau
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