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P. 38

36 / People

        Lacking a way out
           Hong Kong has long been struggling with waste prob-
        lems. Regarding statistics from the Environmental Pro-
        tection Department (EPD) in 2017, around 15,516 tonnes
        of municipal solid waste were produced per day. The
        three landfills, in  Tseung Kwan O, Tuen Mun and Ta Ku
        Ling respectively, are expected to be full by 2020.
           Cheung  points  out  the  difficulty  of  recycling  waste
        materials in Hong Kong due to the absence of a manu-
        facturing industry. “We don’t manufacture anything so
        we cannot use waste material ourselves, we have to send
        it off to somewhere else,” he says, “we don’t really have
        much  to  say.”    Recent  changes  in  the  Chinese  govern-
        ment policy on imported waste have also aggravated the                                                 01
        problem. “[Under the policy,] Hong Kong cannot export
        raw waste material without filtering, while Hong Kong           are dumped in landfills.
        lacks a facility for waste filtering or recycling,” he says.      It was not easy at the beginning. “[At first,]
           Despite the poor recycling standard in Hong Kong, Cheung has   they were quite reluctant to give you the waste
        seen improvement in the recycling industry as the government has   because they were not sure what you were do-
        started to find better waste treatment methods. He cites the local   ing,” Cheung says.
        waste paper recycling and manufacturing plant that will be open   The table has been turned upside down
        next year in Tuen Mun as an example.  “That’s a new baby step we   now. As Cheung has built a notable portfo-
        are taking,” says Cheung.                                       lio, local and multinational companies have
                                                                        started reaching out to him for collaborations.
        Challenging the misfortune                                      With his range of products and philosophy, he
           Cheung observes that Chinese people associate rubbish with   has attracted corporates like Citibank and non-
        misfortune, “[The waste]’s for the dead people, it brings bad luck. I   governmental organisations (NGO) such as
        think that has to be changed,” Cheung says.                     Greenpeace for commissioned projects. “Every-
           To create less waste, he emphasises the idea of “thinking twice   thing I’m trying to do, it’s not just doing things
        before buying”. He also conducts educational workshops in hopes   that I like, but trying to inspire big corporations
        of raising social awareness. Cheung explains the idea of the work-  because they are the ones making the impact,”
        shop is to help Hong Kong people adopt habits of using their own   Cheung says.
        hands to create or fix belongings, instead of buying new things they   He notes most companies pursue a glam-
        need. “[The habit of making something with your own hands] is   orous style when organising events but it is
        really important because when you stop using your hands, when-  not difficult to move away from that culture.
        ever you need [something], you just use money to buy it,” he says,   “When one company does it, with a positive
                                             “it also is a problem that   impact, it’s  very  easy  to inspire other compa-
                  When you stop              ends up creating a lot of   nies to follow.”
                                             waste. People stop fix-
                                                                          Aside from collaborating with the commer-
           using your hands,                 ing it (things).” Cheung   cial companies, Cheung has worked with St.
          whenever you need                  provides life-warranty to   James’s Settlement, a non-profitable organisa-
                                             customers for his prod-
      [something], you just use              ucts. “Whenever [how       tion located in Wan Chai. The NGO runs shel-
                                                                        tered  workshops  for people with  disabilities,
         money to buy it,                    long], even four years, or   and the workers have been helping Cheung
                                             five years… If it breaks,
                                             you bring it back to me    with assembly work on his products.
                                                                          Cheung’s creativity is not limited to com-
                                             and I will fix it for you.”  panies and social enterprises, his work also
                                                                        relates to social movements. During the  2014
        Expanding the spectrum                                          Umbrella  Movement,  Cheung  collected  bro-
           As a consideration for budget as well as the nature of the waste   ken umbrellas that were left on the streets after
        material, Cheung plays around with waste from corporates. When-  clashes and created thumbnail pianos with ribs
        ever he finds waste materials that are interesting in a landfill, he   of umbrellas.
        contacts relevant companies and asks for the materials before they   Cheung sees a close linkage between social
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