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      Otherwise, it is pointless to sign in advance.”           from citizen’s education instead of legislation,”
                                                                says Shea.
      Changes starting from education                              Developing a culture of respect among mem-
        Public awareness about end-of-life issues is also       bers of the public is crucial in promoting advance
      low in the socio-cultural context. Statistics from        directive. “Doctors will bring out the topic to pa-
      the Hospital Authority show a slight increase in          tients when a bleak future is foreseeable… Family
      the number of patients signing ad-                                          members who have taken care
      vance directives from 937 in 2016 to              To promote                of patients around the clock are
      1,557  in  2018.  Another  population-                                      more likely to respect patients’
      based cross-sectional telephone   a measure, you should start               decisions,” says Shea. And he
      survey of 1,067 adults in 2017 by the   from citizen’s education            thinks  that  the  public,  espe-
      Chinese University of Hong Kong    instead of legislation,                  cially secondary school  stu-
                 indicates a total of 85.7                                        dents should be more exposed
                    per cent  had not                                             to life and death topics, so that
                     heard of advance directive. But af-        they have a clearer concept of advance directive
                      ter explanation, 60.9 per cent said       and higher acceptance of it. “It should be done by
                      they would make their own ad-             the Education Bureau because Hospital Authority
                     vance directive if it is legislated.       is only a medical department,” says Shea.
                       Chung agrees that the pub-
                     lic mindset about death can be
      Roger Chung    changed    through   education.                                  Edited by Civi Yap
                     “Take Taiwan as an example, end-
                     of-life education is covered start-
      ing from kindergarten, so they are more mentally
      prepared when discussing death,” says Chung.
        The Taiwanese government includes life and
      death topics into the education system to break
      down cultural taboos against discus-    Left: The current Advance Directive form provided by Hospital Authority;
      sion  about  death.  The  concept  of  pal-     Right: A program about End-of-Life care and planning launched by the CUHK
      liative care is also introduced through   Jockey Club Institute of Ageing.
      mainstream and social media to in-
      crease public awareness. In the 2015
      Quality of Death Index conducted by
      The Economist, Taiwan ranked sixth
      among other 80 countries with a
                score of  83  over  100.
                    While Hong Kong
                      only ranked  22
                       with a score of 67.
                          The  power  of
                       education is ech-
                      oed by Dr. Paul
                     Shea Tat-ming, co-
        Dr. Paul Shea   chairman of the
         Tat-ming      Hong Kong Med-
                       ical Association
      of End of Life Care, and a specialist
      in Geriatric Medicine. He believes
      people with higher education com-
      prehend life planning easier. “To
      promote a measure, you should start
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