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                                                      We can afford to fail at uni-

                                                     versity. So just be brave and
                                                             find your passion.

        “But this also gives me more  ment for several hours. But she acci-     “I think I will continue my career as
      chances to have unique experiences,”  dentally broke her camera and missed   a travel vlogger in the future,” Zhang
      Zhang says. “I made friends with a  the chance to film the moment when   says. “I just want to show people there
      man who sold candied haws (a tra-  the fish were caught.               is a different way of travelling (during
      ditional Chinese snack) on the street,   Zhang was frustrated at first. But   which you can make friends with lo-
      because I was looking for something  luckily she met some fishermen who   cals). It’s my passion,” she says.
      to film for my videos,” she recalls.  were happy to lend her gloves and   “I also want to tell other young
        Zhang still stays in touch with  keep her company. One of them even   people that we can afford to fail at uni-
      friends she made when travelling. She  recognized her the next day, after she   versity. So just be brave and find your
      is also planning to send them some  managed to sort out her emotions and   passion,” the young girl who loves to
      gifts.                             decided to film again.              laugh adds.
                                            “Although there are some diffi-
             Find Your Passion           culties along the way, I still find this
                                                                               Edited by Alice Wang
        Though Zhang has experience in  job (of being a travel vlogger) worth-  Edited by Alice W        ang
                                                                                          & Shell Zhang
      travelling alone, sometimes she still  while,” Zhang says.                          & Shell Zhang
      finds it challenging.                 Now Zhang can only travel around   Sub-edited by Savoki
                                                                               Sub-edited by Savoki
        When trying to film fish catch on  China due to COVID-19. She also
      Chagan Lake in Jilin Province in win-  expresses her strong desire to travel                   Zhang
      ter, she stayed in a freezing environ-  abroad after the pandemic.
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