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               ollecting anime goods has be-  laughs.
               come more and more popular      Many collectors have grouped to-
        Camong young people in China  gether to form their own communi-
        recently.                           ties to share information about new
           Sophie Luo, a university student,  goods and make friends.
        has spent around RMB ¥13,000 on        One of the biggest groups on Wei-
        anime goods in just six months. Her  bo, a social media platform like Twit-
        collection features various anime,  ter, named  快樂買穀, has more than
        comic and games such as Idolish7,  60,000 followers. There are also many
        Haikyu!! and Jujutsu Kaisen.        trading groups on QQ which is an in-
           She says: “Now I have 138 items  stant messaging app. Collectors make
        of Jujutsu Kaisen. I usually buy RMB  second-hand transactions and find
        ¥6,000 to RMB ¥7,000 goods for one  buying group members in the trading
        anime work.” She uses some goods to  groups.
        decorate her desk and stores the rest.  Another collector Jessica Liao,
           “My parents don’t say anything  has spent more than RMB ¥10,000 in
        about my collection because I spend  just ten months. She says that buying
        money that I have saved up only and  goods is simply because of love for
        do not ask for more, But I won’t tell  anime characters and related prod-              Metal cards are made by PET and PP, which are one of the most common
        them the real price (of the goods),” she  ucts.                                                                   kind of trading cards.
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