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        A New N  otion For

        Your Life

        Labeling itself as an “all-in-one workspace”, Notion is a tool that helps people
        organize and track their work and life.

        By Alina Chen in Shenzhen

           ion Li, a product manager of an  “I’m one of those who have tons of   Li is a Pro user, but she also sug-
           internet company, learnt Notion  notes, not only about my job. I have  gests that Pro version is not necessary
     Lfrom YouTube and has been us-      more than 1,000 work logs/work daily.  for freshmans. The free version also
      ing it for two months. Li describes the  I also have many reading notes. And  allows users to create unlimited pages
      records she put into other notetaking  I like writing. I can’t manage (all my  and blocks. The differences between
      apps before were like “a stone sank  notes).”                          paid version and free version do not
      into the sea”.                        Notion helps her make everything  affect individual user experience a lot.
        To help users start using this app,  organized and clear. It “changes her   Notion is available on various
      Notion team made some instruction  life and saves her time”.           platforms like Mac,  Windows,  iOS
      videos introducing its basic functions.   Unlimited nested feature helps its  and Android. The personal computer
      “Once you have learnt Notion’s frame-  users to organize their information,  version has full functions. Users usu-

      work, it will be very easy,” Li says.  which means users can press a key on  ally need to build his/her systems on
        Many users also share their expe-  the keyboard and embed a sub page  their laptop before using it on mobile
      rience in YouTube. Li also uploaded  inside the existing page. “Because No-  phone or iPad.
      videos sharing some tips in YouTube  tion has unlimited nest, if you have a   Notion now has English and Ko-
      and Bilibili. She says she wants to  project, you can nest unlimited sub  rean  versions.  The  translation of
      share and communicate with others  pages and tables in this project,” she  other languages is still being devel-
      because this app is so impressive and  says.                           oped. Have a try and it may be a new
      excellent.                            It is free for personal use. For those  workplace. It is available on the Apple
        Notion has become an important  who need more functions, it also pro-  App Store:
      tool for Lion’s job and life. Now she  vides different paid plans. Students  us/app/notion-notes-projects-docs/
      spends more than ten hours on No-  and educators can sign up with their  id1232780281 and Google Play Store:
      tion every day. “(It can be) related to  school email addresses to get the free
      daily life, career and study,” she says,  Personal Pro version.        details? .

                                                                                         Sub-edited by
                                                                                         Sub-edited by
                                                                                          Savoki Zhang
                                                                                          Savoki Zhang
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