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                                                             the Beauty

                                                                      of Glass

                                             Glass art - a new form of art is gaining popularity

                                                                                          By Kayi Tsang

             lass is everywhere in our daily  tures such as polishing, bonding, fus-  tion, but not a form of fine arts.”
             life - from utilities to artwork,  ing, slumping and casting. It provides   Glass production requires huge
     Gwe can easily find products  more  possibilities and  variations  for   investment and space for equipment
      made of glass. DIY glass workshops  artists to create their own unique art-  storage, which makes it difficult for
      are also gaining popularity all over  work.                            the  trade  to develop  in  Hong  Kong.
      the world. Wong Kwok-chong, 56, is    Apart from producing glass art,   Wong points out government policies
      a glass making artist who teaches peo-  Wong also specialises in glass restora-  are introduced to encourage consum-
      ple how to make beautiful glass prod-  tion. “Restoration takes time. Before   ers to purchase glass art products to
      ucts.                              doing so, you need to understand the   boost the glass art market in South
        Wong first learnt about glass art  materials first,” he says. Even though   Korea. Hong Kong, however, does
      through the Studio Glass Movement  the techniques used in repairing glass   not have such kind of policies and the
      originated in the United States in the  art are more complicated, Wong finds   market is niche.
      1970s. After acquiring the glass mak-  it both challenging and meaningful.   But Wong says he  will strive to
      ing techniques in Taiwan, he decided   Wong says he helped restore Ital-  promote the art despite the challeng-
      to set up a glass studio in Hong Kong  ian painted glass windows of the Haw   es. “We will focus more on art crea-
      for glass art fans in the city in 1993.   Par Mansion, a historical building   tion and hold regular exhibitions in
        As the first glass studio in Hong  built in 1935. It took his team over   the future,” he says.
      Kong, Wong aims to promote glass art  four months to restore 20 glass win-  Want to make your own unique
      through workshops, glass restoration,  dows which were destroyed by bomb-  glass art? Pay a visit to the Studio
      consultation services and art work ex-  ing in the World War II. In order to   Glass Hong Kong at L0-04 Jockey
      hibitions. He describes the making of  restore the mansion to its original   Club Creative Arts Centre at 30 Pak
      glass as “very flexible and ever-chang-  shape, Wong and his team had to find   Tin Street, Shek Kip Mei or go to their
      ing”. Different temperatures result in  materials that match the style of archi-  website for more details.
      different colours and shapes of the  tecture of that time, which made the
      glass work. “The unimaginable beauty  task more challenging.
      of glass art fascinates me,” he says.  Though Wong has made great ef-         Edited by Edith Chung
        Wong says glass making nowadays  fort to promote glass making in Hong
      is more than just blowing glass near  Kong, he admits that glass art is still
      the furnace. Different kinds of glasses,  not widely recognised by the public.
      including cold glass, warm glass and  “Glass art is more like an obscure and
      hot glass can be produced. Each of  underground art,” he says. “Glass is
      them has distinctive processing fea-  widely seen as an installation decora-
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