Page 66 - 152 Varsity Ebook
P. 66


        Tea Time!
         Tea Time!

        Yang Chun Lei, a century-year-old herbal tea shop struggles to survive

        By Shell Zhang

                 ost people nowadays go  first customers just walk by his shop   Chai as a threat to his business.
                 for soda and alcohol for a  and  give  the  herbal  tea  a  try.  When   “When it is time for our community
        Mdrink. But in the old days, a  they find the tea is really effective,   to be redeveloped, we have to leave.”
        cup of herbal tea was a more popular  they visit regularly. “Some Western-  Yang says he will strive to continue the
        choice. They would gather at a herb-  ers are also our regular customers,” he   family business. “It is a family asset
        al tea shop to chat with one another  says.                             passed on through generations. I have
        while having herbal tea.               Although the business has been   to protect my family’s name.”
           Yang Chun Lei, a herbal tea shop  quite successful, Yang says he has nev-   Want to try the 24 Herbs and stay
        in Wan Chai, has been in operation  er thought of expanding the business   healthy? Pay a visit to Yang Chun Lei
        for 105 years. It is one of the few tra-  scale. He says the major concern is the   at 29 Spring Garden Lane, Wan Chai.
        ditional herbal tea houses in Hong  quality of herbal tea. The preparation
        Kong. Yang Wen-jia, the third gen-  of 24 Herbs now requires manual la-
        eration owner of the shop, says he  bour. But if they increase the scale of    Edited by Edith Chung
        inherits the shop from his father and  production, he  is  afraid  that the  tea
        grandfather.                        quality might be compromised.
           “You can say it is our uniqueness,   “If  you  do  not  produce  the  tea
        or just being simple,” Yang laughs as  yourself and rely on factories to manu-
        he explains why there is only one item  facture, the tea will no longer be fresh
        on the menu. Different from other  after being packaged and then trans-
        herbal tea stores, Yang Chun Lei only  ported here and there,” Yang says.
        sells “24 Herbs” (二十四味). He ex-        He admits that the herbal tea in-
        plains that 24 Herbs is good for health  dustry is shrinking, but says his store
        and therefore they focus on producing  still manages to survive. “We have the
        this kind of herbal tea.            advantage of cost since we own the
            Yang explains the key to enhance  store. We do not have to pay rents.”
        herbal tea’s effect is to keep it fresh and   Yang  says  he  does  not  view  the
        maintain the temperature. He says at  recent revitalisation projects in Wan
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