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        U.S. Cancels

        China Student Visa

        Chinese students who graduated from universities which
        are listed on the U.S. sanction list are banned from get-

        ting  student visa.

        By Gloria Wei in Harbin & Lynne Rao in Luzhou

                n September 9, Ashley Liu*  Liu says. “I broke down when I learnt              “                          says. “Trump stated that he did this to  technology from America.      ing from trade and human rights to
                received an email from the  that my visa was revoked,” she adds.                                          prevent Chinese students from steal-  Seven military-affiliated universi-  Hong Kong and the coronavirus.
        OU.S. embassy in Beijing in-        The “Sanction List” comprises institu-  The stupid policy                     ing technology from America. But  ties in China are included in the list.   On 2020 State of the Homeland
        forming her that her student visa had  tions that the U.S. believes are linked   damages academic                 why  does  he  punish  innocent  peo-  They are Northwestern Polytechnical  Address on September 9, Chad Wolf,
        been revoked by the U.S. Department  to the Chinese military.                                                     ple?” Liu adds. She regrets going to  University, Harbin Engineering Uni-  Acting Secretary of the Department of
        of State. The civil engineering major   Liu had to cancel her plan of apply-  freedom because                     Beihang University for undergraduate  versity, Harbin Institute of Technolo-  Homeland Security of the U.S., said,
        student returned to China in Decem-  ing for a P.H.D program in civil engi-                                       study, as the university is on the sanc-  gy, Beihang University, University of  “We are blocking visas for certain
        ber 2019 after getting her master’s de-  neering in the United States after her   we cannot go to the             tion list which means she cannot go to  Aeronautics and Astronautics, Beijing  Chinese graduate students and re-
        gree in University of Illinois. Her visa  visa was revoked. She is preparing to                                   the U.S. for higher education now.  Institute of Technology, Nanjing Uni-  searchers with ties to China’s military
        was expected to expire in November  file application for P.H.D program of-  U.S. for research                        Donald Trump, President of the  versity of Science and Technology and  fusion strategy to prevent them from
        this year and she had planned to pur-  fered by the University of Science and                                     U.S., signed a  proclamation  on May  Nanjing University of Aeronautics  stealing and otherwise appropriating
        sue her P.H.D degree in the U.S. But   Technology of China.               and academic ex-                        29, barring Chinese graduate students  and Astronautics. Graduates of these  sensitive research.”
        now she cannot fly to the U.S. without   “The stupid policy damages aca-          change.                         and researchers who have ties with the  universities are banned from studying   Foreign Ministry Spokeperson
        a valid visa.                       demic freedom because we (students                                            People’s Liberation Army (PLA) from  in the U.S.                       Zhao Lijian critizised the U.S. for re-
           “I graduated from Beihang Uni-   who graduate from universities on the                                         entering the United States, claiming to   China-U.S. relations have hit his-  voking visas of Chinese students and
        versity in 2018 and the university is   sanction list) cannot go to the U.S. for                                  stop China from using graduate stu-  toric lows with the world’s two biggest  reseachers in a regular press confer-
        now on the American sanction list,”   research and academic exchange,” Liu             ”                          dents to steal intellectual property and  economies clashing over issues rang-  ence of Ministry of Foreign Affair of
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