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        People’s Republic of China on Sep-  such as Material Science and Defense
        tember 10. “The measures taken by  Engineering. “It is unfair because my
        the  U.S.  government  blatantly  harm  major is computer science and it is not
        the legitimate rights and interests of  sensitive,” he adds.
        Chinese  students  in  the  U.S.,  which   He hopes the U.S. will change its
        are outright political persecution and  visa policy after the election. “I con-
        racial discrimination and seriously vi-  sidered studying in other countries if
        olate the human rights of these Chi-  nothing changes next year,” Yang says.
        nese students,” Zhao said.             China has been the biggest mar-
           Jay Yang* was another student  kets  for  the  U.S.  universities.  Ac-
        affected by the presidential procla-  cording to the Student and Exchange
        mation. Yang received an email in-  Visitor Program (SEVP) 2019 SEVIS
        forming that his visa application was  by the Numbers Report, an anual re-
        rejected by U.S. embassy in Bern,  port on nonimmigrant student trends
        Switzerland on August 31, 2020. “It  released by U.S. Immigration and
        was not surprising. But I still felt up-  Customs  Enforcement  (ICE)  in  Sep-
        set when I knew the result,” Yang says.  tember 2020, 4.7 million Chinese stu-
        He graduated from Harbin Institute of  dents entered the U.S. in 2019 with a
        Technology, one of the universities on  F-1 visa, which is required for those
        the sanction list, in 2017.         studying in the U.S. as a temporary   Refusal letter from U. S. embassy that
                                                                                 Refusal letter from U
                                                                                                  . S. embassy that
           Yang graduated from a university  and non-immigrant visa-holders or a   J a y Y ang recieved in Bern, Swi tzerland.                                                                   Netizens talking about the U.S. revoking
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        .S. rev
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   t the U
                                                                                                                                                                                                 Netizens talking abou
                                                                                Jay Yang recieved in Bern, Switzerland.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                t visa o
                                                                                                                                                                                                     China studen
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     n a f
        in Switzerland with a master degree  M-1 visa, which is required for those   (Photo courtesy of Jay Yang)                                                                                    China student visa on a forum.
                                                                                             rtesy o
                                                                                     Photo c
                                                                                                     y Y
                                                                                                   f J
        this year. He refused to reveal the  studying  in  the U.S. as  a  vocation-
        name of the university. Yang was ad-  al, non-academic school. The report   the top destination in the past few   tries  escalate. Several  universities  in  for universities in the U.K. increased
        mitted to a P.H.D program in Com-   of  ICE also reveals  that the  number   years because of the high quality of the   the U.S. have reported drops of 20 per  by 23 per cent year on year as of June
        puter Science in the University of  dropped by 4,235 compared with      U.S. education. Also, many Chinese        cent or more in the number of new  30, 2020. Other countries such as Ja-
        Chicago in February and now he is  2018.                                students hoped to stay and live there     admission from China this fall. At  pan, Korea and Singapore, are also
        attending classes online. “I planned to   Daxue  Consulting,  a  market  re-  after graduation in order to enjoy the   the Bentley University in Massachu-  gaining popularity among Chinese

        study in the U.S. when I was an un-  search and management consulting   lifestyle of a developed country.         setts, the number of new Chinese stu-  students as the destination for higher
        dergraduate,” Yang says. He thinks his  firm  focusing  on Chinese  market,   Yet according to English Learning,   dents arriving for graduate level work  education.
        visa application should not be reject-  published a report titled “Education   a multimedia news platform widely   dropped from 110 last autumn to 70   Sam Qi*, who graduated from the
        ed since the U.S. stated that the sanc-  elsewhere: China seeks out exchanges   known as EL, American universities   this fall. As a result, officials from  Harbin Institute of Technology (HIT)        “
        tion only targets ‘sensitive subjects’,  in other countries” on June 23, 2020.   are starting to see steep declines as po-  Bentley University are wondering  in 2018 used to dream of going to the
        which are linked to national security  The report found the U.S. remained   litical tension between the two coun-  whether all of its graduate programs  U.S. for higher education in the field   I will be thrilled if
                                                                                                                          can survive.                       of civil engineering. But since the HIT
                                                                                                                             Ya Waning, manager of an agency  is one of universities on the sanction   I can get the visa
                                                                                                                          based in Beijing, has helped students  list, he thinks his visa application will
                                                                                               “                          studying overseas to apply visa for  not be successful.                  for studying in the
                                                                                 I considered study-                      more than 15 years. Ya realises gradu-  Qi has applied for other univer-  U. S., and I am still
                                                                                                                          ates from universities on the sanction  sities in the U.K. and Canada as his
                                                                                  ing in other coun-                      list cannot obtain study visa. “It is just  backup plan. “I’ll be thrilled if I can   praying for it.
                                                                                                                          a waste of time to apply for American  get the visa for studying in the U.S.,
                                                                                    tries if nothing                      universities unless Biden wins the  and I’m still praying for it,” Qi says.
                                                                                                                          election and changes the visa policy,”
                                                                                 changes next year.                       he says.                           *Names changed at interviewees’                     ”
                                                                                                                             Given the situation, many Chinese  request
                                                                                                                          students have changed their study
                                                                                                                          plans. A report investigating under-
                                                                                               ”                          graduate program application in the
                                                                                                                          U.K. in 2020 by Universities and Col-
                                                                                                                          leges  Admissions Service  shows the
                                                                                                                                                                                                            Edited by Emilie Lui
                             n posted o
                                     n the o
                   Proclamation posted on the official website of Whitehouse.                                             number of Chinese students applying                                               Edited by Emilie Lui
                                                       f Whi
                                          fficial websi
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