Page 62 - Varsity Special Issue
P. 62

60 / Our Community

                                                     y to v
                                                          ice their disc
          Protestors gathered in Cen
                                tral J
          Protestors gathered in Central Jakarta holding a rally to voice their discontent about government’s curb of press freedom in
                                            lding a rall
                                    akarta ho
                                                                                                f press freedom in
                                                                                             rb o
                                                                                         s cu
                                                                              t go
                                                                         t abou
                                                              rtesy o
                                                                    f Pagi Indo
                                        September 2020 (Photo courtesy of Pagi Indonesia)
                                        September 2020 (Photo c
           “We are cautious every time we  donesia, so that the truth can be re-
         deal with a news story. If a story caus-  ported. He also hopes that journalists
         es trouble, our visas may be revoked,  can enjoy press freedom and stay safe.
         and we might be deported right away.   *Name changed at interviewee’s
         Then we will not be able to work in  request.
         Indonesia anymore,” Paik says.
           While deportation is the worst
         consequence  for  foreign  journalists,
         local journalists might have a high-
         er price to pay for press freedom. A
         38-year-old Indonesian National Tel-
         evision reporter, Jason* says the gov-
         ernment regulations are quite vague
         and that makes it difficult for journal-
         ists to do reporting.
           In a bid to protect the journalists,
         he says his news agency censors news
         stories to avoid government interfer-
         ence. He adds that many journalists
         are scared by the government’s curb
         on press freedom.
           “Not  just  because  I  will  lose  my
         job, it really does threaten my life. I
         might have to spend the rest of my life
         in jail,” he says.                  P Police blocking the protestors in the street of Jakarta in October 2020. The protest
                                                                                  akarta in October 2020. T
                                                    ocking the protestors in the street o
                                                                                 f J
                                               lice bl
                                                                                                       he protest
           Jason thinks that there should be   was to sho w their disc o n ten t against the go vernmen t a v ou t the new l y revised la w .
                                             was to show their discontent against the government avout the newly revised law.
        a turning point for journalism in In-                    (Photo courtesy of Yonhap News)
                                                                 Photo c
                                                                         rtesy o
                                                                                  nhap News
                                                                               f Y
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