Page 63 - Varsity Special Issue
P. 63

People  / 61


        the Past

        Architect Shu Tan shares his design philosophy and his

        life in Dali and Hong Kong.

        By Coco Zhang in Shaanxi

          hu Tan has not seen his family for   Shu met his wife in Dali in 2010  born in this Bai community in 1980. 
          ten months. The 40-year-old in-  after he went back from Germany.     “My designs are rooted in minority
     Sdependent architect’s life is split  Seeking more personally satisfying  cultures… Dali helps me turn my idea
      in half by the coronavirus pandemic,  work, his wife went to Hong Kong to  into reality,” Shu says. “Dali has land
      leaving him unable to travel from Dali  be the director of Tanoto Center for  with potential for development, un-
      to Hong Kong, where his wife and two  Asian Family Business and Entrepre-  like Hong Kong where there are more
      daughters are living now.          neurship Studies at The Hong Kong  restrictions,” he adds.
                                         University of Science and Technology.
       Travel Between Dali and Hong      “We choose the way we like, and we
                   Kong                  are happy,” Shu says.
        The German-educated architect       Shu went to Dali to pursue a career
      spends most of his time in Dali, a Bai   he loves. “Dali is a warm harbour full
      autonomous prefecture in Yunnan,   of inspirations,” says Shu, who was
      China, to conserve traditional style               “
      dwelling, and flies back to Hong Kong
      every other week to visit his family.  The folk dwellings
        “I always catch a red-eye flight
      back home so that I can use my time   are not only about
      efficiently. When my daughters wake
      up in the morning, I’m on their sides,”   houses but also
      Shu says. He has two daughters. His
      six-year-old daughter is a primary   thousands of years
      school pupil, and the youngest girl is
      one year old.                       of Hani culture and
        He drives his daughter to school,
      plays with the two, and spends quality   wisdom of skillful
                                                                                 an uses film camera to capture
      time with his family. “I’m just an ordi-                               Shu Tan uses film camera to capture  ng
                                                                                                 n si
                                                                                                    te in Ho
                                                                             images at the c
                                                                             images at the construction site in Hong
      nary father when I am back in Hong         craftsmen.                  He, Yunnan Province. (Photo courtesy of
                                                                                                       rtesy o
                                                                                 unnan Pro
                                                                             He, Y
                                                                                          vince. (Photo c
      Kong,” Shu says.                                   ”                   Shu Tan)
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