Page 76 - Varsity Special Issue
P. 76

74 / Photo Feature                                                                                                                                                                                                    / 75

                                                                                But many old people do not have                                                                                  ing to look for wild fungi in moun-
                                                                                smartphones or are not familiar with                                                                             tains. He  also cultivates wasp pupa on
                                                                                using it in street markets. So I prepare                                                                         his own.
                                                                                cash when I come,” Mei says.                                                                                        “Wild fungi and wasp pupas are
                                                                                  Yunnan has a lot of sundry delica-                                                                             only available before the Mid-Au-
                                                                                cies from mountains during the sum-                                                                              tumn Festival,” Li says. His wasp pu-
                                                                                mer. Many people living in the city go                                                                           pas are sold at RMB ¥180 each kilo-
                                                                                to street markets to buy them.                                                                                   gram, much cheaper than those in wet
                                                                                  Wild fungi and wasp pupas are the                                                                              markets in the city.
                                                                                most special ones and are considered                                                                                Not  only mountain  delicacies,
                                                                                as important food ingredients in Yun-                                                                            other agricultural products are also
                                                                                nan cuisine. People may get goose                                                                                popular. Zhao Yufen, a 62-year-old
                                                                                bumps when they see a worm-like                                                                                  farmer sells corn and chilis in Zhebei
                                                                                wasp pupa. But it is always the best-                                                                            street market.
                                                                                seller because of its good taste and                                                                                “Farmers rely on mother nature
                                                                                smell.                                                                                                           for food. If the harvest is not good, we
                                                                                  Li Longxian, a 37-year-old man                                                                                 will have less for sale. The harvest of
                                                                                from Machu Village who sells wild         An o ld man from Zhebei village pa ys cash in the street market.
                                                                                                                          An old man from Zhebei village pays cash in the street market.
                                                                                fungi and wasp pupas in Zhebei street
                                                                                market, gets up at 3 a.m. every morn-

                                             t to bu
                          ty u
                                                  y c
        A woman from the city uses QR code payment to buy corn cakes in a street market
           oman from the ci
                                   ode pa
        A w
                             ses QR c
                                                    orn cakes in a street market
        named Luquan.
        named Luquan.

        Many old people do not have smartphones

          or are not familiar with using it in street

         markets... So I prepare cash when I come.


                                                                                                         ld in Lu
                                                                                                                  an street market.
                                                                                                 ngi are so
                                                                                Many kinds of wild fungi are sold in Luquan street market.
                                                                                           f wild fu
                                                                                   y kinds o
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