Page 74 - Varsity Special Issue
P. 74

72 / Photo Feature                                                                                                                                                                                                    / 73

                                                                                                                                     A Hmong (an ethnic minority) woman sells wild fungi in Zhebei street market.
                                                                                                                                     A Hmo ng ( an ethnic min ori ty ) w oman sells wild fungi in Zhebei street market.

        An old lady shops with a basket in Zhebei street market.
        An o ld lad y shops wi th a basket in Zhebei street market.

           n urban cities, new shopping  nearly villages to sell their agricultural   “Agricultural products in this
           malls and fancy supermarkets are  products and buy necessities that are   street market are really cheap. For
        Ireplacing old street markets. But  not available in their own villages.   example, the corn I bought here only
        in Yunnan, people living in many un-   Mei, who declines to reveal her   costs RMB ¥2 for a kilogram. But in
        developed villages still shop for daily  identity, bought chilis, corn, and wild   Kunming, it costs at least RMB ¥10
        needs in old street markets.        fungi in a street market named Zhe-  for a kilogram. These products are
           Street market is a place where peo-  bei market which takes an hour drive   fresher than those in wet markets in
        ple in Yunnan trade agricultural com-  from Kunming city.               the city,” the 47-year-old woman says.
        modities. History of street markets    She goes to the street market once   She pays cash for corn and chilis,
        can be traced back in Shang and Yin  or twice a month with her friends and   and uses QR code payment for the
        dynasties in ancient China.         families, and she believes it is a good   wild fungi in the street market.               Mei and her mother pick chilis from Zhao Yufen’s stall.
                                                                                                                                                                             s stall.
                                                                                                                                     Mei and her mother pick chilis from Zhao Y
           People go to street markets in  way for them to relax.                 “I prefer using QR code payment.
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