Page 86 - Varsity Special Issue
P. 86

84 / Photo Feature                                                                                                                                                                                                     / 85

                                            in Beitang.                                                                      Liu’s son, 24, used to work full-time
                                                “Mantis shrimp is the most popu-                                          in a restaurant, lost his job in March
                                            lar seafood here, and the growth can                                          and rejoined his family to do fishing.
                                            never match the demand,” she adds.                                            “Fishing doesn’t make as much mon-
                                               Apart from sharp decline in har-                                           ey as working in a restaurant,” he says.
                                            vest, the pandemic also makes it more                                         Fishing trips for tourists are also can-
                                            difficult for fishermen to make a liv-                                        celled due to the pandemic.
                                            ing.                                                                             “We only have local buyers. Tour-
                                               The fishermen can only rely on                                             ists from other parts of the country
                                            government subsidy during the sum-                                            have stopped visiting, especially those
                                            mer moratorium. Some young fisher-                                            from Beijing,” Han says. It takes only
                                            men used to look for part-time jobs in                                        two hours to travel from Beijing to
                                            service and construction industry. But                                        Bohai.
                                            it was not easy to find work during the                                          The pandemic has also affected the
                                            pandemic.                                                                     seafood market business.
                                                                                                                             “The wholesale price of crabs has
                                                          “                                                               doubled. The price is RMB ¥60 (US   Tourists take selfie at a dock as all boat trips have been cancelled due to the pandemic.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    e to the pandemic.
                                                                                                                                                                rists take selfie at a dock as all boat tri
                                                                                                                                                                                               ps ha
                                                                                                                                                                                                   ve been cancelled du
                                               No matter how                                                              $9)to RMB ¥70 (US $10) per catty
                                                                                                                          (0.5 kg),” says Han Yongqing, a sea-
         A fisherman is setting u p his stall after                             Seafood lovers scramble to buy fish and                                                                       “
         A fisherman is setting up his stall after
                                                                                                        y fish and
                                                                                        vers scramble to bu
                                                                                   ood l
         a fishing tri
         a fishing trip.                         fast fish and                  shrimps as the harvest is n ot en ough f or   food vendor market and a former
                                                                                shrimps as the harvest is not enough for
                                                                                                                          fisherman. “Demand for seasonal sea-
                                                                                their demand.
                                                                                their demand.
           The government introduced the    shrimp grow, boats                                                                                                           We only have local buyers.
        four-month fishing moratorium in
        1995 to protect the marine ecology,   are always faster.                                                                                                                              ”
        considering the situation.
           “No matter how fast fish and                   ”
        shrimp grow, boats are always faster.
        No matter how many fish are released,
        there are always fishermen in boats
        waiting to capture them,” Liu says.
           September is  the  best  season  for
        harvesting mantis shrimp. Abundant
        yield  of  mantis  shrimp  used  to  be  a
        major  source  of fishermen’s  income.
        But harvest has dropped significantly
        this year.
           “The harvest weights 2,000 cat-
        ties (1000 kg) for a single boat trip in
        2000. Yet, the harvest drops to around
        500  catties  (250  kg)  this  year,”  says
        fishermen Han Gui, who is also based
                                             ishermen mingle wi
                                            Fishermen mingle with each other when taking rests.
                                                              th each other when taking rests.
                             No matter how many fish are released,

           there are always fishermen in boats waiting to capture them.

                                                           ”                                                              Bei tang seaf ood market was shu t do wn in late J an uary and reopened recen tl y o n September 1.
                                                                                                                          Beitang seafood market was shut down in late January and reopened recently on September 1.
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