Page 90 - Varsity Special Issue
P. 90

88 / Varsity's Choice

        Sleep with

        an App

        Build a wonderland while you sleep.

        By Vivian Cao in Yunnan

           What was the last thing you did  tectural masterpieces together, for ex-
        before going to bed last night? Using  ample, the Mont Saint Michel, the Taj
        your phone to check Facebook and  Mahal, the Great Wall, and so on.
        Instagram posts? Are you interested    Trey Huang, a 19-year-old stu-
        in building a town on your phone  dent who has been using the for eight
        when you are sleeping?              months, says: “Friends can watch out
           Sleep Town, a time management  for each other when building houses.
        app, can help you build good sleeping  You can build your house and your
                                                                                     App design o
                                                                                                f  Sleep T
        habits and a virtual town at the same  friend’s one at the same time.”       App design of  Sleep Town
                                                                                                  f Sleepto
                                                                                             rtesy o
                                                                                     Photo c
        time.                                  Huang thinks it is not easy to       (Photo courtesy of Sleeptown)
           In this app, you can set two alarms  change his biological clock at first.
        to remind you when to sleep and wake  “When the pandemic first started, my   tectures and ruins.
        up. If you go to bed and get up accord-  routines were disrupted. I slept in the   “I can see many beautiful houses
        ing to the time you set, you will be  morning and played what at night. My   in ‘My big town.’ It motivates me to
        rewarded a virtual house and bonus  friend invited me to build world-fa-  build  more  houses.  Now  my  sleep-
        which can allow you to unlock dif-  mous architectural masterpieces with   ing habit is back to normal after three
        ferent houses in a virtual shop. If you  him by using Sleep Town. At first, I   months. I go to bed before 12:30 a.m.
        fail, your house will be destroyed in  lost the game all the time. My town   and get up at 8 a.m.,” Huang says.
        the game.                           was full of ruins,” Huang says.       “Gamify Your Life” is a slogan of
           Users can invite friends to join    “My big town” in the app is where   Sleep Town’s developer, Seekrtech, a
        them and build world-famous archi-  users can see all their well-built archi-  digital company from Taiwan. Their
                                                                                mission is to design easy games to
                                                                                help people develop healthy lifestyles.
                                                                                  Sleep Town ranks second as the
                                                                                most  downloaded  app  of  all  paid
                                                                                games in the category of health and
                                                                                fitness in 2020 in China, according to
                                                                                Apple App Store data.
                                                                                  Do you want to have a better sleep-
                                                                                ing  routine  and  enjoy  work-life  bal-
                                                                                ance? Please join Sleep Town tonight.
                                                                                It is available on the Apple App Store
                                                                                and Google Play Store.

                                                                                          Edited by Lasley Lui
                                                                                          Edited by Lasley Lui
                 Huang’s big town in the app. (Photo courtesy of Trey Huang)
                 Huang’ s big to wn in the app. ( Photo c ou rtesy o f Trey Hu ang)
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